NY Hep C Telemedicine Workgroup – Meeting Notes
Thursday October 15, 2020 (10 – 11 AM) via Webinar
In attendance at this meeting: See below notes
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 19 – 10:00AM
Workgroup Chair: Andrew Talal, MD, University at Buffalo, ahtalal@buffalo.edu
Workgroup goals: Short term: Identify, assess, document and disseminate current strategies and opportunities to provide hepatitis C treatment in substance use treatment facilities, via telemedicine. Long-term: Develop a NYS Telehealth network to provide a forum for ongoing learning and sharing of best practices to promote hepatitis B and C care and treatment through telehealth.
Meeting Notes
Hepatitis C Telemedicine Implementation Guide
Andrew Talal, MD – ahtalal@buffalo.edu
- Developed in collaboration with NASTAD click here to view: HepC_Telemedicine Implementation Guide_2020
Update on recommendation letter to OASAS, Medicaid & NYS Governor
- Letter will be emailed and mailed to Governor, OASAS Medical Director and NYS Medicaid Medical Director
Study: Physicians’ Experiences with telehealth in treating Hep C patients during COVID-19 pandemic
Pruthvi Patel, MD – pruthvi.patel@mountsinai.org
- Dr. Patel is finalizing the survey
Policy Updates
- CMS Press release on telehealth services
- Reduced requirements for NYS Medicaid Hep C medication: removal of prior authorization requirement effective October 8 for FFS. It will take longer to take effect across managed care plans.
Upcoming webinar:
- HepCure webinar Oct 27 @ 4:30 on HCV Screening & Treatment in NYS OASAS Certified Treatment Programs – if you do not receive HepCure emails & would like to please email hepcure@mountsinai.org
- Hep Free NYC Telehealth Resources for hepatitis providers
- NYC REACH provides telemedicine implementation support for NYC providers
- NASTAD Hepatitis C Community Navigation Toolkit. To request navigation program implementation support: hepatitis@nastad.org
- Alvin Chu, MA, MPH, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, achu@startny.org
- Andrew Talal, MD, SUNY Research Foundation, ahtalal@buffalo.edu
- Anthony McLeod, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, amcleod@startny.org
- Arpan Dharia, SUNY, adharia@buffalo.edu
- Arslan Mohamed, amohamed1@health.nyc.gov
- Colleen Flanigan, RN, NYS DOH, colleen.flanigan@health.ny.gov
- Daanish Shaikh, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, dshaikh@startny.org
- Dan Shappee, AbbVie, Daniel.shappee@abbvie.com
- Darlene Meyer, SUNY, dkmeyer@buffalo.edu
- David Cushman, Gilead, david.cushman@gilead.com
- Debra Farron, Gilead Science, debra.farron@gilead.com
- Doienne Saab, NYCDOHMH, dsaab@health.nyc.gov
- Ese Oghenejobo, NYCDOHMH, ese.oghenejobo@health.ny.gov
- Jeff Weiss, REACH, jeffrey.weiss@mountsinai.org
- Jessie Schwartz, NYCDOHMH, jschwartz2@health.nyc.gov
- Kathleen Davis, University of Rochester Medical Center, Kathleen_davis@urmc.rochester.edu
- Katy Cook, AHI, kcook@ahihealth.org
- Kelly Ramsey, NYSOASAS, kelly.ramsey@oasas.ny.gov
- Marc Badura, SUNY, mbadura@buffalo.edu
- Mavis Bailey, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, mbailey@startny.org
- Meg Chappell, MPH, Empire Liver Foundation, megchapell@empireliverfoundation.org
- Nadine Kela-Murphy, MPH, NYC DOHMH, nkelamurphy@health.nyc.gov
- Nirah Johnson, LCSW, NYC DOHMH, njohnso2@health.nyc.gov
- Rebecca LaMarca, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, rlamarca@startny.org
- Sandeep Krishnan, MedTech, sandeep.krishnan@medtecintl.com