April 17 (3 PM – 5 PM) American Cancer Society, Manhattan
In Attendance: See Below

NYS Hepatitis B Elimination Discussion

Policy and Advocacy
Committee Updates 
Next Meeting: June 19th (3 – 5 PM) @ American Cancer Society

See upcoming events on our Community Calendar

  1. Amy Tang Hep B Medical Director Charles B Wang Community Health Center astang@cbwchc.org
  2. Christina Boynes Community Health Worker Bronx Lebanon cboynes@bronxleb.org
  3. Deborah Min Project Coordinator NYU Center for Study Asian American Health deborah.min@nyulangone.org
  4. Diana Diaz-Munoz Program Coordinator (Hep C Peer/Check Hep C) DOHMH ddiazmunoz@health.nyc.gov
  5. Edward Wake Adult Immunization DOHMH-Immunization ewake@health.nyc.gov
  6. Farma Pene Health Care Access Specialist DOHMH fpene@health.nyc.gov
  7. Harmit Kalia D.O. Montefiore HKALIA@montefiore.org
  8. James Park MD, Transplant Hepatology NYU Asian Liver Health Program James.Park@nyumc.org
  9. Janice Lyu Hep B Program Associate Charles B Wang Community Health Center jlyu@cbwchc.org
  10. Jialiang Li Patient Navigation Assistant DOHMH jli9@health.nyc.gov
  11. Jiehui (Joy) Zhu Flushing Hep B Care Manager CBW jizhu@cbwchc.org
  12. Joanlyn Gao FGP Medical Secretary NYU Langone Medical Center Joanlyn.Gao@nyumc.org
  13. John Youhanna Regional Medical Director Dynavax Technologies Jyouhanna@dynavax.com
  14. Joy Cambe Program Coordinator Empire Liver Foundation joycambe@empireliverfoundation.org
  15. Julia Phillips Public Health Educator/CBO Liaison DOHMH STD Control jphillip@health.nyc.gov
  16. Liz Tang Health Care Access Specialist DOHMH ltang@health.nyc.gov
  17. Mantsetse Kgama Project Manager DOHMH-Viral Hepatitis mkgama1@health.nyc.gov
  18. Mary Chiang Hep B Patient Navigator Charles B Wang Community Health Center mchiang@cbwchc.org
  19. Nadine Kela-Murphy Practice Transformation Specialist DOHMH nkelamurphy@health.nyc.gov
  20. Nirah Johnson Director of Program Implementation & Capacity Building DOHMH njohnso2@health.nyc.gov
  21. Paul Bolter Community Outreach/Education Manager American Liver Foundation pbolter@liverfoundation.org
  22. Paula Wong Educational Outreach Director H+EAL paula.w.wong@gmail.com
  23. Qiuqu Zhao Medical Director NYU Lutheran Family Health Center Qiuqu.Zhao@nyumc.org
  24. Sarah Ahmed Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator DOHMH sahmed10@health.nyc.gov
  25. Shannon Diaz Region Business Director Dynavax Technologies Shannon.diaz@sales.dynavax.com
  26. Soonsik “Sara” Kim Hep B Patient Navigator Coordinator Korean Community Service  Skim@kcsny.org
  27. Stephanie Michel Health Educator DOHMH BTBC smichel2@health.nyc.gov
  28. Teresa Mark, MPH Health Educator DOHMH BTBC tmark@health.nyc.gov
  29. Yanting (Kelly) Huang Data Manager DOHMH-Viral Hepatitis yhuang5@health.nyc.gov

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