The Plan to Eliminate Hep B and C in NYC

In 2021, the NYC Health Department released the Plan to Eliminate Viral Hepatitis as a Major Public Health Threat in New York City by 2030, a set of strategies to reduce Hep C infection, improve the health of people with Hep B and C, and reduce health inequities related to viral hepatitis infection in NYC.

An estimated 329,000 people are living with Hep B and/or C in NYC, according to the NYC Health Department’s 2022 Hep A, B, and C Annual Surveillance Report. Without care and treatment, people with Hep B or C may progress to serious liver disease, liver cancer or premature death.

The NYC Viral Hepatitis Elimination Plan was developed with local Hep B and C advocates and stakeholders and implementation of the plan will include quarterly community engagement and planning through the Hep Free NYC Coalition. Eliminating viral hepatitis in NYC is ambitious, but with effective interventions, sufficient resources, and broad stakeholder commitment, it is possible.

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