Hep B United Mini Grants Program: 2024 Request for Funding Proposal (RFP)

Application Open Date:  April 1, 2024
Application Deadline: May 31, 2024
Expected number of awards: up to 7
Estimated Total Program Funding: $50,000 – $65,000

The Hepatitis B Foundation (HBF) is offering mini-grants for one (1) year to Hep B United coalition partners working on hepatitis B education, prevention, screening, and linkage to care activities. Up to 7 awards will be given ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 each.


The purpose of this RFP is to enhance the capacity of Hep B United coalition partners to conduct Hep B education, testing and linkage to care in their local communities. The emphasis of this RFP is focused on programs to address Hep B among African immigrant, Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AA & NH/PI) communities, and persons who use drugs (PWUD). This RFP supports activities at the local coalition level to advance the Hep B priority areas of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan.

Applications should focus on one of the following HBU Strategic Priority Areas:

  1. Increasing awareness, screening, prevention and education to reduce Hep Brelated health disparities, including implementation of the new universal adult Hep B vaccination and screening recommendations;
  2. Improving linkage to care and access to culturally and linguistically appropriate patient navigation services to prevent Hep B related liver disease and cancer; and/or
  3. Collect, manage and prepare local community-level Hep B data to improve awareness and highlight local disease trends.

Activities can include:

  • Developing local coalition infrastructure (including partnership development and partner training);
  • Implementing the #justB storytelling campaign within local education and community engagement efforts; creating new story-focused educational programming, including story circles; focusing on reducing stigma, fostering open HBV discussion and move people towards screening;
  • Identifying/developing systems and strategies to educate communities and/or providers and/or implement new ACIP Hep B immunization recommendations for adults ages 19-59 years;
  • Increasing Hep B disaggregated data (conducting formalized data collection, analysis, and/or dissemination, and/or using new technologies to collect community-based Hep B screening data);
  • Identifying and addressing specific local barriers to Hep B screening and linkage to care;
  • Developing and implementing strategies for reaching specific, hard-to-reach populations in your communities, to improve testing, vaccination, and/or linkage to care;
  • Developing strategies based upon a comprehensive family/household approach, to improve Hep B knowledge, awareness, and testing of household/family members of infected mothers.
  • Assessing Hep B-related stigma in a local community and/or developing strategies to address stigma as a means to improve Hep B screening.

Project Requirement:

  • Ongoing communication with the Hep B Foundation (HBF), including regular phone calls (schedule will be determined at a mutually convenient, regular date).
  • Participation in the mini-grants training webinar (scheduled at the start of the 12-month project period).
  • Participation in monthly Hep B United coalition calls (if applicable) and Hep B United training webinars.
  • Provide a 6-month and 12-month written report that includes evaluation
  • Provide a “lessons learned” presentation on a monthly Hep B United call, webinar, and/or annual summit

Submit application here

View more details of the Hep B United Mini-Grant Program: 2024 Request for Funding Proposal (RFP)

Grantor Contact Information: Shreya Koirala, shreya.koirala@hepb.org

Last Updated on April 2, 2024 by HepFree NYC

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