Hep C/HIV Tester

 Please send cover letter and resume to Edward Manchess at emanchess@boomhealth.org

Department: Wellness & Empowerment

Reports to: Behavioral Health Coordinator

Location: Harm Reduction Center (226 East 144th St. Bronx, NY 10451)

Job Summary:

SHE is a multi-layered and coordinated response to the need for expanded Hep C, HIV, and STI screening, increased access to treatment, care and wrap around support for women of color including transgender women. The intensified program focuses on women at high risk and woman living with HIV/AIDS with special focus on the Bronx community. The program addresses gaps in services for women and Trans women through the provision of Hep C and HIV testing, STD screening/testing and linkage to care.

The Hep C/HIV tester for our SHE Women’s program focuses on providing low income, colored, minority women with access to Hep C/HIV testing, pre and post counseling for women, PrEP n PEP education, risk assessment and linkage to medical care via in person and remote. The tester will outreach women in the community at Women’s shelters, SRO’s and other Women’s CBO’s to test and link to care utilizing PPE equipment and following all social distancing guidelines.

Duties & Responsibilities: 

  • Conduct female Hep C and HIV  testing on site and in the field (during outreach and or community health fairs), while using PPE and following social distancing mandates.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with participants before and after Hep C or HIV test via phone in person, teleconference and ZOOM.
  • Attend all trainings and webinars required in order to provide PrEP and PEP education and referrals when engaging participants.
  • Engage participant in harm reduction and risk reduction educational sessions, as well as provide pre and post counseling via in person, phone, teleconference or ZOOM.
  • Ability to go out to required field sites, during all seasons, to provide mobile testing to the community using PPE.
  • Maintain and track all referrals (internal and external).
  • Maintain confidentiality at all times and appropriate record keeping.
  • Enter data into AIRS daily.
  • Attend community events.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Experience with female infectious disease testing (Hep C/HIV).
  • At least 2 years of experience testing female target population (homeless & people who inject drugs).
  • Familiar with harm reduction practices.


Minimum of BA in Social Work or Community Health Education or related degree

** We follow  the NYC Workplace Vaccination requirements.

Last Updated on April 4, 2023 by HepFree NYC

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