Volunteers requested for a research study

“Have you been diagnosed with Hepatitis C? Are you a Baby Boomer – born between 1945 – 1965, and uncertain about your diagnosis? Do you write and understand English?”

  • The link to a SurveyMonkeyTM questionnaire can be found here: www.surveymonkey.com/s/UncertaintyHepC
  • This link will take you to a webpage that will give you more information about the study
  • If you agree to participate, you will be directed to a series of questions about your experience
  • Participation is strictly voluntary and your responses will be kept confidential

A maximum of 175 volunteers are needed.

This study entitled, “Uncertainty and Chronic Hepatitis C in the Baby boomer Population: A Cross-Sectional, Correlational Predictive Study Testing Mishel’s Uncertainty In Illness Theory” is being conducted by Humberto Reinoso, MSN, ARNP-BC, a doctoral student at Barry University.

The purpose of the study is to test Mishel’s Theory of Uncertainty in Illness among baby boomers with chronic hepatitis C. The study will focus on what influences predictor variables prescribed by the model have on the individual’s perception of uncertainty. Length of diagnosis of these individuals as well as prior treatment attempts will be explored along with their relationship to uncertainty.

If you have any question regarding this study, please contact Humberto Reinoso, MSN, FNP-BC at hreinoso@barry.edu or 305-401-0853. Dr. Ferrona Beason at (305) 899-3818, or the Barry University Institutional Review Board point of contact, Barbara Cook, at (305) 899-3020



Last Updated on January 25, 2020 by HepFree NYC

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