Hep Free NYC Meeting Highlights | 09-14-2022
A Joint Hep B Coalition & Hep C Task Force Meeting
September 14th, 2022 (3 – 5 PM)
Attendance: See below
Implementing a Primary Care Telemedicine Model of Hepatitis C Care and Treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic in Inpatient Substance Use Treatment Programs
Farah Riazi, Outreach Program Coordinator, REACH Program, Mount Sinai – farah.riazi@mountsinai.org
Jeffrey J. Weiss, PhD, MS, Director, REACH Program, Mount Sinai – jeffrey.weiss@mountsinai.org
- View presentation here
- There are high numbers of patients in detox/rehab programs who need to be treated for Hep C
- Hep C telemedicine is a viable model for care and treatment and offers an opportunity to overcome barriers to access for people who use or inject drugs
Health-Related Quality of Life for Adults Living with Hepatitis B in the United States: A Qualitative Assessment
Catherine Freeland, MPH, Associate Director of Public Health Research, Hepatitis B Foundation – catherine.freeland@hepb.org
- View presentation here
- A diagnosis of Hep B can result in depression, anxiety, and self-isolation. Likewise, liver cancer fear can make people anxious and added stigma and discrimination make them feel inferior.
- Hep B patients need to be actively involved in treatment and management decisions. Individuals should be appropriately informed about their conditions- what monitoring looks like, and what information they want to know.
- View the article here for more details into the numbers.
Viral Hepatitis Elimination Implementation Update
Tristan McPherson, MD, Viral Hepatitis Program Medical Director, NYC Health Department – tmcpherson@health.nyc.gov
- View presentation here
- Prioritization strategies based on importance and feasibility to inform timelines and goal setting
- Find additional funding to support expanded strategy goals: internal and external through grants, but also the collaboration with partners to apply for funding
- In the coming months, we will work with Hep Free NYC teams to schedule facilitation meetings on how key stakeholders and community members can contribute and commit to driving forward elimination strategies through practical, concrete next steps.
- Plan to Eliminate Viral Hepatitis as a Major Public Health Threat in NYC by 2030
Policy and Advocacy
Meg Chappell, Program Manager, Empire Liver Foundation – megchappell@empireliverfoundation.org
- View presentation here
- In FY 23, NYC City Council funded 37 organizations to connect people at risk of Hep B and/or Hep C to prevention, testing, care, and treatment and to provide clinical and non-clinical education.
- Advocacy Season Schedule. Mark your calendar!
- Intro to City Council Funding for Viral Hep Training
- November 9, 2022 (3 – 5 PM)
- City Council Application: How to Apply Training
- December 5, 2022 (3 – 5 PM)
- January 11, 2023 (3 – 5 PM)
- FY 2024 Application opens January 2023
- Office Hours – January – February 2023
- To assist organizations with completing their VHI application
- VHI Training – Preparing Testimony & Calling Council Members
- March TBD
- Intro to City Council Funding for Viral Hep Training
- Viral Hepatitis Advocacy Leadership Team:
- Check Hep C Leads: Suzanne Robinson Davis (Sdavis@bsfhc.org); Kenia Liriano (Kenia.Liriano@chasiny.org)
- Check Hep B Lead: Paul Lee (plee@kcsny.org)
- Hep C Peer Lead: Jose Martinez (martinez@harmreduction.org)
- Training Leads: Joy Cambe (joycambe@empireliverfoundation.org): Mike Selick (selick@harmreduction.org)
- Advocacy Lead: Meg Chappell (megchappell@empireliverfoundation.org)
- Learn more about the NYC Council Viral Hepatitis Initiative
- For FY 24 – Raise Awareness! Call, email and meet with City Council members, particularly among the new City Council members and the Health Committee members, about the importance of the Viral Hepatitis Initiative.
- Learn more about the NYC Council Viral Hepatitis Initiative
- Join Hep Free NYC Advocacy Listserv
- Have you applied in the past and did not get funded? Are you interested in applying for funding? Email Meg! – megchappell@empireliverfoundation.org
Hep Free NYC Committee Updates
- Coalition against Hepatitis in People of African Origin (CHIPO) – NYC Committee
Farma Pene, Health Care Access Specialist, NYC Health Department – fpene@health.nyc.gov- Upcoming Meeting: October 19 (3 – 5 PM). RSVP.
- Communications Committee
Ayele Kessouagni, Prog Assistant, NYC Health Department- akessouagni@health.nyc.gov- Upcoming Meeting: September 22 (3:30 – 4:30 PM). RSVP.
- South Asian Hepatitis Initiative (SAHI)
Sarah Ahmed, MPH, Program Manager, NYC Health Department – sahmed10@health.nyc.gov- Upcoming meeting: October 5 (12 – 1 PM). RSVP.
- Alejandra Poma, Program Manager, BMS Family Health Center, apoma@bmsfhc.org
- Alexandra Ramirez, Hepatitis Navigator Specialist, Community Health Action of Staten Island (CHASI), alexandra.ramirez@chasiny.org
- Alexis Brenes, Community Project Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, abrenes@health.nyc.gov
- Alexis Irving, Perinatal Hep B Program Manager, State of Louisiana Health Department, alexis.irving@la.gov
- Amegnona (Thierry) Ekon, HIV Prevention Specialist, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, aekon@health.nyc.gov
- Andria Carter, Perinatal Hepatitis B Field Epidemiologist, Louisiana Department of Health, andria.carter@la.gov
- Angelica Bocour, Director of Viral Hepatitis Surveillance, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, abocour@health.nyc.gov
- Aprielle Wills, Perinatal Hepatitis C Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, awills@health.nyc.gov
- Assita Belemkoabga, Associate Researcher, Mount Sinai Health System, assita.belemkoabga@mssm.edu
- Aura Blanco-Buitrago, Care Coordinator, Mount Sinai Health System, aura.blanco-buitrago@mssm.edu
- Ayele Kessouagni, CUNY Intern/Consultant, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, akessouagni@health.nyc.gov
- Beatrice Zovich, Public Health Program Manager, Hep B Foundation, beatrice.zovich@hepb.org
- Binghong Xu, RWJBH-Saint Barnabas Medical Center, xubinghong2011@gmail.com
- Brian Hennessey, Director of PrEP and Hepatitis C Initiatives, Housing Works, b.hennessey@housingworks.org
- Brooke Wyatt, Program Director, Mount Sinai Project Inspire, brooke.wyatt@mssm.edu
- Bruce Glazer, Account Executive, AbbVie, bruce.glazer@abbvie.com
- Bwambale Arafat, Public Health Scientist, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, bwambalearafat@yahoo.com
- Carmen L Reyes Fontánez, PCP, Tiger Med Corporation, clreyesmd@gmail.com
- Carolina Maria Bolanos, Peer Navigator, Vocal-NY, caro@vocal-ny.org
- Catherine Freeland, Public Health Program Manager, Hep B Foundation, catherine.freeland@hepb.org
- Catherine Toyooka, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, catherine.toyooka@acgov.org
- Christelle Onwu, Lead Advisor, African Communities, New York City Commission on Human Rights, conwu@cchr.nyc.gov
- Christina Hwang, Surveillance Analyst, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, chwang@health.nyc.gov
- Daniel Nam, VP of Policy, Global Liver Institute, dnam@globalliver.org
- Deanna Berlin, CBO Liaison, NYC DOHMH Sexual Health Clinics, dberlin@health.nyc.gov
- Derett Jepson, District Sales Manager, HCV NY, AbbVie, derett.jepson@abbvie.com
- Diana Diaz Munoz, Program Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ddiazmunoz@health.nyc.gov
- Dipan Ray, Director of Practice Experience, Touro College of Pharmacy, dipan.ray@touro.edu
- Erin Connors, Epidemiologist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ola3@cdc.gov
- Estefania Frias, Kings Specialty Pharmacy, estefania.f@kingsrx.com
- Farah Riazi, Patient Navigator, Mount Sinai Health System, farah.riazi@mountsinai.org
- Farma Pene, Community Projects Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, fpene@health.nyc.gov
- Gail Brown, Director, COPE, gbrown.cope@gmail.com
- Ganiat Sarumi Disu, RN, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, gsarumi@gmail.com
- Geraldine Phillip, Program Coordinator, South Asian Council for Social Services (SACSS), geraldine@sacssny.org
- Gil Cerpa, Patient Navigator, Praxis Housing Initiatives, gacerpa@praxishousing.org
- Gina George, Epidemiologist Data Analyst, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ggeorge3@health.nyc.gov
- Gloria Glenn, Program Assistant, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, gglenn@health.nyc.gov
- Halimatou Konte, Health Program Director, African Services Committee, halimatouk@africanservices.org
- Hasham Tariq, Ontario County Department of Public Health, hasham.tariq@ontariocountyny.gov
- Holly Wang, Patient Navigator, Korean Community Services, ywang@kcsny.org
- Ibrahima Sankare, Testing Assistant and Outreach, African Services Committee, ibrahimas@africanservices.org
- Ilan Weisberg, Chief of Gastroenterology, Mount Sinai Health System, ilansethweisberg@gmail.com
- Jackilyn Rivera, Hepatitis Program Assistant, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, jrivera20@health.nyc.gov
- Jagjit Kaur, United Sikhs, jagjit.kaur@unitedsikhs.org
- James Park, Physician, Northwell Health – Health System, jpark42@northwell.edu
- James Washington, Program Ambassador, East Harlem Community Partnership Program, hwashington2150@gmail.com
- Janelle Hockaday, Hep C Peer Navigator, Positive Health Project, j.hockaday@housingworks.org
- Jeff Weiss, Program Director, Mount Sinai – Respectful & Equitable Access to Comprehensive Healthcare (REACH) Program, jeffrey.weiss@mountsinai.org
- Jie-Lei Jenny Wong, Health Educator/ Patient Navigator, Seventh Avenue Family Health Center at NYU Langone, jielei.wong@nyulangone.org
- Jiehui (Joy) Zhu, Patient Navigator, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, jizhu@cbwchc.org
- Jihae Jeon, Mount Sinai Health System, jihae.jeon@mountsinai.org
- Joelle Bodeta, Hepatitis Patient Navigator, NYC Health + Hospitals – Elmhurst Hospital Center, bodetaj@nychhc.org
- Jonathan Rodriguez, Hispanic Federation, jrodriguez@hispanicfederation.org
- Jose Ginel Rodriguez, MD, San Juan Bautista School of Medicine, ginel.rodriguez@sanjuanbautista.edu
- Joshua Lunior, NYC Health + Hospitals – Kings County Hospital Center, joshua.lunior@gmail.com
- Joy Cambe, Program Coordinator, Empire Liver Foundation, joycambe@empireliverfoundation.org
- Julie Lazaroff, Unit Chief, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, jlazarof@health.nyc.gov
- Justin Chen, Hep B Program Associate, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, jchen@cbwchc.org
- Kalvin Shinrock, Health Education Specialist, Mount Sinai Health System, kalvin.shinrock@mountsinai.org
- Kareen Cardona Vicente, MD, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, kareencardona8@gmail.com
- Karina Escamilla, Manager at Latino Religious Leadership Program, Latino Commission on AIDS, kescamilla@latinoaids.org
- Kayla Kelly, Hepatitis CoordinatorHepatitis Coordinator, Virginia Department of Health, kayla.kelly@vdh.virginia.gov
- Kelly Riordan, HEP C Case Manager, Sun River Health, kriordan@sunriver.org
- Kiara Lora, Director, HCV Treatment Network, Montefiore Medical Center, kialora@montefiore.org
- Lauren Meyers, MSL, Syneos Health, lauren.meyers@sh.vbivaccines.com
- Leo Fulwider, Patient Navigation Specialist, Arizona Department of Health Services, leo.fulwider@azdhs.gov
- Li Li, Public Health Advisor, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, lli6@health.nyc.gov
- Liz Tang, Outreach and Navigation Supervisor, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ltang@health.nyc.gov
- Luis Camacho, Hep C Harm Reduction Specialist, Positive Health Project, l.camacho@housingworks.org
- Marie Bresnahan, Project INSPIRE Program Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, mbresnahan@health.nyc.gov
- Marta Giammarino, Sales Rep, Kings Specialty Pharmacy, marta.g@kingsrx.com
- Mary Chiang, Patient Navigator, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, mchiang@cbwchc.org
- Medesa Garrett, HCV Program Coordinator, Sun River Health, mgarrett@sunriver.org
- Meg Chappell, Program Manager, Empire Liver Foundation, megchappell@empireliverfoundation.org
- Megan Plancher, Viral Hepatitis Program Assistant, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, mplancher@health.nyc.gov
- Minhee Lee, Program Coordinator, Korean Community Services, mlee@kcsny.org
- Miraf Kassew, Housing Works
- Mohan Ramaswarmy, Trustee, The Hindu Temple Society of North America, mohans49@yahoo.com
- Nadine Kela-Murphy, Clinical Practice Facilitation Program Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, nkelamurphy@health.nyc.gov
- Natalie Taylor, Associate Director Public Health, Dynavax Technologies, ntaylor@dynavax.com
- Okhyun Ko, Manager, Korean Community Services, oko@kcsny.org
- Olivia Matalka, Student Intern, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, omatalka@health.nyc.gov
- Pedro Mateu-Gelabert, Associate Professor at CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, CUNY School of Public Health, pedro.mateu-gelabert@sph.cuny.edu
- Peikwen Cheng, Yiviva, peikwen@yiviva.com
- Perla Romero, Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, perla@alliance.nyc
- Preet Kukreja, Director of Population Health Initiatives, St. John’s Episcopal Hospital, pkukreja@ehs.org
- Rahel Yosief, Project Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ryosief@health.nyc.gov
- Rebecca Berger, Policy Analyst, NYU Langone Health System, rebecca.berger@nyulangone.org
- Rehan Mehmood, South Asian Council for Social Services (SACSS), Director: Health Services, rehan@sacssny.org
- Sara Kim, Program Director, Korean Community Services, skim@kcsny.org
- Sarah Ahmed, Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, sahmed10@health.nyc.gov
- Sarah Usher, HCV COORDINATOR, Sun River Health, susher@sunriver.org
- Shaili Gandhi, Hepatitis Program Assistant, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, sgandhi1@health.nyc.gov
- Shanaz Hosein, Program Manager, HITE, Greater New York Hospital Association, hite@gnyha.org
- Shashi Kapadia, Instructor in Medicine/ Infectious Diseases, NewYork-Presbyterian – Weill Cornell Medical Center, shk9078@med.cornell.edu
- Shellyann Vassell, Nurse Manager, Zucker Hillside Hospital, Northwell Health – Health System, svassell@northwell.edu
- Susan Olender, NewYork-Presbyterian – Columbia University Medical Center, so2045@cumc.columbia.edu
- Tammy Wenz, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, tammy.wenz@nebraska.gov
- Tasnim Bhuiyan, The Hepatitis C Mentor and Support Group, Inc., tasnim.bhuiyan@icahn.mssm.edu
- Tristan McPherson, Viral Hepatitis Program Medical Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, tmcpherson@health.nyc.gov
- Umaima Khatun, Program Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ukhatun@health.nyc.gov
- Versalle Shelton, Clinical Practice Facilitator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, vshelton@health.nyc.gov
- Violet Armstead, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, armviolet@gmail.com
- Y-Uyen Le Nguyen, Hep B Medical Director, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, ynguyen@cbwchc.org
- Yacaris De Jesus, Patient Navigator, NYC Health + Hospitals – Bellevue Hospital Center, yacaris.dejesus@nychhc.org
- Yanting (Kelly) Huang, Data Manager, Viral Hepatitis, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, yhuang5@health.nyc.gov
- Yi-Ling Tan, Program Manager, NYU Langone – NYU Hospitals Center, yi-ling.tan@nyulangone.org
- Yisha Johnson, Patient Navigator, BMS Family Health Center, yjohnson@bmsfhc.org
Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by HepFree NYC