Dear Colleague:I am delighted to present the new National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention: Strategic Plan through 2020. This Plan updates the Center’s current strategic plan and serves as a blueprint for achieving our vision of a future free of HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB. It will guide activities across the Center and help ensure the greatest health benefit for all Americans.
The Plan sets forth goals to reduce incidence, morbidity, mortality, and health disparities related to HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB. Key indicators of progress with ambitious targets are included to help us track our progress toward these goals. The indicators are aligned with national plans including the National Prevention Strategy, the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and the HHS Action Plan for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis.

The Plan is available at
It will be operationalized by the individual strategic plans for each of NCHHSTP’s five divisions. The Plan is intended to be a living document—one that we will use to guide our activities and hold ourselves accountable. We thank you for your commitment, your partnership, and your collaboration. We pledge to work with you every step of the way to achieve our goals and to realize a world free of HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB.



/Jonathan Mermin/
Jonathan Mermin, MD, MPH
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention


Last Updated on January 25, 2020 by HepFree NYC

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