Hep B Coalition Annual Ad Board Meeting
February 15 (3 – 5 PM), NYC Health Dept, Long Island City
www.hepfree.nyc #HepFreeNYC #EndHepatitis
Proposed Hep Free NYC 2017 Goals
Hold four quarterly Hep B Coalition Meetings (March 22, June 21, September 27, December 13)
- Look for a space with better AV, and create a closer round table environment.
- Recruit NY Immigration coalition and Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs to the Hep B Coalition.
- Charles B. Wang is developing a refugee initiative, will be good to coordinate with their efforts.
- Recruit Center for Health Equity to the Hep B Coalition.
Maintain website and social media platforms
- We recently received funding to do major changes to the Hep Free NYC website. We are in the process of mapping out a new website.
- We will continue to promote social media content by boosting posts, asking partners to share our content, etc.
- We should leverage increased attention on immigrant rights and health to increase awareness about Hep B.
Organize and facilitate committees
- Team HBV NYC
- Recently participated in Lunar New Year parade, handed out Hep B resources at community health fairs, and presented on Hep B at Stuyvesant High School.
- Team HBV is currently planning events for May Hepatitis Awareness Month and World Hepatitis Day (July 25)
- In 2016, created a LGBTQ Hep Resource card.
- In 2017, will create a second addition of the resource card and launch a Hep A and B vaccination campaign for the LGBTQ community.
- In the process of relaunching CHIPO NYC. We are contacting past CHIPO NYC members and conducting interviews as well as searching for new partners.
- Will hold a Hepatitis training and interfaith service on Tuesday May 16th (Location to be decided soon)
- Working on a toolkit guide for faith leaders and communities on how to prevent, manage, and treat Hepatitis in faith communities.
- We will recruit sanctuary churches to the committee and interfaith event.
Public Education
- Members of this new committee will help educate at-risk populations about Hepatitis and distribute Hepatitis resources in their community.
- Our first meeting was March 1.
- We will develop a NYC Hep B Speakers Bureau.
- We recently secured funding to do major edits to the Hep Free NYC website.
- The Communications Committee will help plan a social media strategy for National Hep Awareness Month (May)
- All Board Members are strongly encouraged to follow us on social media and use #HepFreeNYC when posting.
- Will arrange a “Be About It” Screening in NYC.
Events Planning
- The Events Planning Committee is organizing the Hep Awareness Day on the Steps of City Hall. The date and time is May 10 at 11:00 AM.
- Organize and/or participate in annual awareness day commemorations
- National Hispanic Hepatitis Awareness Day (May 15)
- National Hepatitis Testing Day (May 19)
- World Hepatitis Day (July 28)
- National African Immigrant and Refugee HIV/AIDS and Hep Awareness Day (September 9)
- Hepatitis on the Hill
- AASLD Hill Day
Support City Council Viral Hepatitis Initiative
- Check Hep B Patient Navigation Program. Check out the Check Hep B Patient Navigation one page final report, City Council map, and budget request.
- Empire Liver Foundation, next year Hep B will be added to their clinical capacity building scope of work.
Hep B Coalition Ad Board Members
- Amy Tang, Medical Director, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center (astang@cbwchc.org)
- Christina Tsai, Clinic Director, Brooklyn Chinese Family Health Center (ctsai@lmcmc.com)
- Edward Wake, Chief for Adult Immunization, NYC Health Department (ewake@health.nyc.gov)
- Frank Winters, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, External Affairs (winter@cms.hhs.gov) – PRESENT
- James Park, Director, Asian Liver Health Program at NYU Langone Medical Center (park@nyumc.org) – PRESENT
- Julie Lazaroff, Coordinator for the Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program, NYC Health Department (jlazarof@health.nyc.gov) – PRESENT
- Justin Fung, Project Leader, U.S. Corporate Development Office of SK Holdings – PRESENT
- Kim Nichols, Co-Executive Director of African Services Committee (kimn@africanservices.org)
- Lynna Zhong, Research Data Associate, NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health (Zhong@nyumc.org) – PRESENT
- Maria Karlya, Communications Associate, Charles B Wang Community Center (mkarlya@cbwchc.org) – PRESENT
- Ponni Perumalswami MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine (perumalswami@mountsinai.org)
- Sara Soonsik Kim, Director, Korean Community Services, (skim@kcsny.org) – PRESENT
- Simona Kwon, Assistant Professor, NYU School of Medicine (perumalswami@mountsinai.org)
- Vinh Pham, Medical Director, NYU Langone Medical Center Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (pham@nuymc.org) – PRESENT
Hep B Coalition Annual Ad Board Meeting
NYC Health Dept, Long Island City
February 15, 2017 (3 – 5 PM)
www.hepfree.nyc #HepFreeNYC #EndHepatitis
Health Department Hep B Mothers and Contacts Patient Navigation Program
Jessie Schwartz NP, MPH, Clinical Coordinator, NYC Health Department – jschwartz2@health.nyc.gov
New Hep B Awareness and Education Materials
Sara Soonsik Kim MPH – Skim@kcsny.org and
Rachel Baik – rbaik@kcsny.org
Team HBV- NYC: Accomplishments and Plans for the Future
Giyoung Lee, Team HBV Coordinator – kcsteamhbv@gmail.com