Hep B Coalition Annual Ad Board Meeting

February 15 (3 – 5 PM), NYC Health Dept, Long Island City
www.hepfree.nyc #HepFreeNYC #EndHepatitis

Proposed Hep Free NYC 2017 Goals

Hold four quarterly Hep B Coalition Meetings (March 22, June 21, September 27, December 13)

  • Look for a space with better AV, and create a closer round table environment.
  • Recruit NY Immigration coalition and Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs to the Hep B Coalition.
  • Charles B. Wang is developing a refugee initiative, will be good to coordinate with their efforts.
  • Recruit Center for Health Equity to the Hep B Coalition.

Maintain website and social media platforms

  • We recently received funding to do major changes to the Hep Free NYC website. We are in the process of mapping out a new website.
  • We will continue to promote social media content by boosting posts, asking partners to share our content, etc.
  • We should leverage increased attention on immigrant rights and health to increase awareness about Hep B.

Organize and facilitate committees

  • Team HBV NYC
  • Recently participated in Lunar New Year parade, handed out Hep B resources at community health fairs, and presented on Hep B at Stuyvesant High School.
  • Team HBV is currently planning events for May Hepatitis Awareness Month and World Hepatitis Day (July 25)


  • In 2016, created a LGBTQ Hep Resource card.
  • In 2017, will create a second addition of the resource card and launch a Hep A and B vaccination campaign for the LGBTQ community.


  • In the process of relaunching CHIPO NYC. We are contacting past CHIPO NYC members and conducting interviews as well as searching for new partners.


  • Will hold a Hepatitis training and interfaith service on Tuesday May 16th (Location to be decided soon)
  • Working on a toolkit guide for faith leaders and communities on how to prevent, manage, and treat Hepatitis in faith communities.
  • We will recruit sanctuary churches to the committee and interfaith event.

Public Education

  • Members of this new committee will help educate at-risk populations about Hepatitis and distribute Hepatitis resources in their community.
  • Our first meeting was March 1.
  • We will develop a NYC Hep B Speakers Bureau.


  • We recently secured funding to do major edits to the Hep Free NYC website.
  • The Communications Committee will help plan a social media strategy for National Hep Awareness Month (May)
  • All Board Members are strongly encouraged to follow us on social media and use #HepFreeNYC when posting.
  • Will arrange a “Be About It” Screening in NYC.

Events Planning

  • The Events Planning Committee is organizing the Hep Awareness Day on the Steps of City Hall. The date and time is May 10 at 11:00 AM.
  • Organize and/or participate in annual awareness day commemorations
    1. National Hispanic Hepatitis Awareness Day (May 15)
    2. National Hepatitis Testing Day (May 19)
    3. World Hepatitis Day (July 28)
    4. National African Immigrant and Refugee HIV/AIDS and Hep Awareness Day (September 9)
    5. Hepatitis on the Hill
    6. AASLD Hill Day

Support City Council Viral Hepatitis Initiative

  • Check Hep B Patient Navigation Program. Check out the Check Hep B Patient Navigation one page final report, City Council map, and budget request.
  • Empire Liver Foundation, next year Hep B will be added to their clinical capacity building scope of work.

Hep B Coalition Ad Board Members

  1. Amy Tang, Medical Director, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center (astang@cbwchc.org)
  2. Christina Tsai, Clinic Director, Brooklyn Chinese Family Health Center (ctsai@lmcmc.com)
  3. Edward Wake, Chief for Adult Immunization, NYC Health Department (ewake@health.nyc.gov)
  4. Frank Winters, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, External Affairs (winter@cms.hhs.gov) – PRESENT
  5. James Park, Director, Asian Liver Health Program at NYU Langone Medical Center (park@nyumc.org) – PRESENT
  6. Julie Lazaroff, Coordinator for the Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program, NYC Health Department (jlazarof@health.nyc.gov) – PRESENT
  7. Justin Fung, Project Leader, U.S. Corporate Development Office of SK Holdings – PRESENT
  8. Kim Nichols, Co-Executive Director of African Services Committee (kimn@africanservices.org)
  9. Lynna Zhong, Research Data Associate, NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health (Zhong@nyumc.org) – PRESENT
  10. Maria Karlya, Communications Associate, Charles B Wang Community Center (mkarlya@cbwchc.org) – PRESENT
  11. Ponni Perumalswami MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine (perumalswami@mountsinai.org)
  12. Sara Soonsik Kim, Director, Korean Community Services, (skim@kcsny.org) – PRESENT
  13. Simona Kwon, Assistant Professor, NYU School of Medicine (perumalswami@mountsinai.org)
  14. Vinh Pham, Medical Director, NYU Langone Medical Center Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (pham@nuymc.org) – PRESENT


Hep B Coalition Annual Ad Board Meeting

NYC Health Dept, Long Island City

February 15, 2017 (3 – 5 PM)

www.hepfree.nyc #HepFreeNYC #EndHepatitis


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