Sign On | Letter to Urge President to Fund Hepatitis Programs in 2016

The AIDS Budget and Appropriations Coalition (ABAC), in collaboration with the Hepatitis Appropriations Partnership (HAP) and other coalitions, has developed an organizational sign-on letter urging the president to adequately fund hepatitis and HIV programs. Below is an excerpt from an ABAC email; the ABAC sign-on letter includes HAP’s FY2016 request for an increase in CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis budget, along with a request to include language removing the federal funding ban on syringe exchange.

President Obama and his Administration are in the late stages of developing their FY16 budget.  The AIDS Budget and Appropriations Coalition (ABAC) has drafted an organizational sign-on letter urging the President to adequately fund HIV programs, including all parts of Ryan White, CDC Prevention, HOPWA, NIH AIDS research and others.

ABAC, in coordination with other Federal AIDS Policy Partnership (FAPP) work groups and other coalitions, has developed its FY16 funding requests for each of these programs, which are outlined in the letter.

If your organization would like to sign-on please click here or go to

The sign-on deadline is COB, Tuesday, January 20th.

If you are on the ABAC auto-sign-on list your organization’s name is included on the draft letter and you do not have to respond, but there is an option to remove your name from this letter.

Again, if you would like to sign-on please click here or go to by Tuesday, January 20th.

In the next couple of weeks, there will be another opportunity to sign onto a similar letter to the Congress.

Please feel free to share this action alert with your networks.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact any of the ABAC co-chairs.  Thank you very much.

Carl Schmid
The AIDS Institute

Donna Crews
AIDS United

Emily McCloskey


Last Updated on February 13, 2018 by HepFree NYC


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