New York State Hepatitis C Elimination Plan Community Calls

We need your input to eliminate Hepatitis C in NYS! 

In July 2018, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his strategy for hepatitis C elimination, including the establishment of a Hepatitis C Elimination Task Force. The New York State (NYS) Hepatitis C Elimination Task Force is charged with providing recommendations to the NYS Department of Health that will help develop the HCV elimination plan. Task Force and workgroup members include representatives from community-based organizations, people living with and affected by hepatitis C, health care providers, payers, public health experts, researchers, harm reduction specialists and social service providers.

The Task Force is supported by five workgroups: 1) Hepatitis C Prevention; 2) Hepatitis C Care and Treatment Access; 3) Hepatitis C Testing and Linkage to Care; 4) Surveillance, Data and Metrics;and 5) Social Determinants of Health. The workgroups have completed their preliminary recommendations for hepatitis C elimination in NYS and now we need your input!

The NYS Department of Health’s, AIDS Institute is hosting a series of community calls to allow an opportunity for comments and feedback on the recommendations.

The calls will be held on the following dates:
June 13, 2019 – 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
June 20, 2019 – 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
June 26, 2019 – 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Please use the link to register via SurveyMonkey:
Registrants will receive additional information prior to the call. If you are not able to attend a call, but would like to provide comments, please send an email to for more information. 

Click here for flyer.

Last Updated on June 18, 2019 by HepFree NYC

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