Hep B Coalition Meeting Highlights | 10-03-18

October 3rd (3 PM – 5 PM) American Cancer Society, Manhattan
www.hepfree.nyc #HepFreeNYC #EndHepatitis
In Attendance: See Below


Public Charge – Assessing the Risk for Accessing Health Care
Max W. Hadler, MPH, MA, Senior Health Policy Manager, New York Immigration Coalition – mhadler@nyic.org

  • On Saturday, September 22, 2018 the Department of Homeland Security announced a proposed rule to dramatically re-define “public charge.”
  • The rule will published on October 10th and there will be a critically important public comment period from October 10 – December 10. This is the best opportunity for advocacy and action to fight the rule. Any individual, group, community, organization or entity should submit a comment for themselves or on someones behalf. Click on this link during the comment period to learn more and submit comments.
  • Educate and advise community based organizations and immigrant families and individuals with correct information; misinformation spreads fear and is misleading. NYIC is available for presentations and will be available to assist with submitting public comments.
  • View full presentation here. Resources are listed on the last two slides.
Liver Cancer and Hepatitis B and C in NYC
Update from recent publication: Effect of Hepatocellular Carcinoma on Mortality Among Individuals with Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C Infection In New York City, 2001-2012.
Miranda Moore, Hepatitis Epidemiologist, Viral Hepatitis Program, NYC Health Department – mmoore3@health.nyc.gov

Policy and City Council Viral Hepatitis Initiative Funding Update
    • NYC Council renewed the Viral Hepatitis Initiative funding (page 41) for FY2019. The Check Hep B Patient Navigation Program was refunded, additional organizations were funded for Hep B Navigation this fiscal year.
    • NYS has committed to a Hepatitis C Elimination Strategy, and the Governor has invested 10 million dollars over two years to support this effort. Amy Tang, MD and Janice Lyu, MS from Charles B Wang Community Health Center drafted a letter urging Governor Cuomo to establish a NYS viral hepatitis elimination strategy that includes hepatitis B. To sign on to this letter, click here. To support this effort, contact Janice Lyu or attend the Advocacy Meeting described below.

    A new Hep Free NYC Advocacy Committee is forming.To join, email Sarah Ahmed

October Liver Cancer Awareness Month Announcements
  • Korean Community Services (KCS) 2nd Annual Liver Health Forum
    Thursday, October 25 (6:30 – 8:30 PM)
    203-05 32nd Ave, BaysidePlease join us to learn about NYC Hepatitis B Initiative and liver diseases from the experts. See flyer here in English and Korean.
  • American Liver Foundation (ALF) will be launching a Liver Cancer Awareness Campaign to encourage populations at increased risk for liver cancer to follow up with their physicians to make sure they are being monitored appropriately. The radio commercial will be aired on KTU across the country. For more Information call 1 -800-Go-Liver. Click here to listen to the ALF radio ad for Liver Cancer Awareness Month!
  • Korean Community Services was awarded a Hep B United Mini-grant to work on faith based outreach!
  • Sign on to letter urging Governor Cuomo to establish a NYS viral hepatitis elimination strategy that includes hepatitis B. To sign on to this letter, click here. To support this effort, contact Janice Lyu.
Community Comments
Ways to Increase Liver Cancer Screening within Your Organization!
  • Support community providers and primary care providers to screen for liver cancer in at risk patient populations. Clinical provider training is offered by Empire Liver Foundation twice a year, and through other CME programs.
  • Screen patients with Hep B and Hep D confection for liver cancer, as they are at higher risk than with Hep B alone
  • Advocacy and addressing stigma
    • Encourage patients to talk about their experience, refer them to #justB campaign support and link patients to other HBV patients to normalize treatment in NYC
    • Consider nail salon, hair salon and barbershop as venues to raise awareness. See the Aurthur Ashe program “Heart of a Woman” for guidance.
  • Enhance patient education materials.
    • NYC Liver Health Mobile App. For people at risk, patients and providers. Provides hepatitis B and C risk assessment tools, patient education materials, and a NYC testing and care site locator.
      Download for free: Google Play or iPhone
Committee Updates 
Upcoming Events

See more upcoming events on our Community Calendar

In Attendance:
  1. Alexis Brenes Health Care Access Specialist DOHMH abrenes@health.nyc.gov
  2. Alison Whitney Project Coordinator DOHMH
  3. Amy Tang Hep B Medical Director Charles B Wang Community Health Center astang@cbwchc.org
  4. Arvind Bhandari Account executive Quality Speciality Pharmacy Arvindbhndr8@gmail.com
  5. Canossa Chan Hospital Manager/Health Systems Manager American Cancer Society canossa.chan@cancer.org
  6. Caroline Davidson Research Associate Shatterproof cdavidson@shatterproof.org
  7. Chanee Massiah Epidemiologist Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Unit – Bureau of Immunization cmassiah1@health.nyc.gov
  8. Christina Zheng Physician Assistant NYU Hepatology Christina.Zheng@nyumc.org
  9. Christina Boynes Community Health Worker Bronx Lebanon cboynes@bronxleb.org
  10. Edward Wake Adult Immunization DOHMH-Immunization ewake@health.nyc.gov
  11. Emmanuel Emeasoba Montifiore-Starfish Program emmanuelemeasoba@gmail.com
  12. Farma Pene Health Care Access Specialist DOHMH fpene@health.nyc.gov
  13. Fernando Valerio Check Hep C Patient Navigator Community Health Care Networks fvalerio@chnnyc.org
  14. Halimatou Konte Hepatitis Coordinator African Services Committee halimatouk@africanservices.org
  15. James Spellman Associate Director, Viral Hepatitis Medical Affairs Gilead Sciences james.spellman@gilead.com
  16. Jamie Love Manager Chinese American Medical Society jlove@CAMSociety.org
  17. Janice Lyu Hep B Program Associate Charles B Wang Community Health Center jlyu@cbwchc.org
  18. Joanlyn Gao FGP Medical Secretary NYU Langone Medical Center Joanlyn.Gao@nyumc.org
  19. Joanna Li Administrative Assistant Chinese American Medical Society jli@camsociety.org
  20. Joy Cambe Program Coordinator Empire Liver Foundation joycambe@empireliverfoundation.org
  21. Julie Lazaroff Unit Chief DOHMH jlazarof@health.nyc.gov
  22. Liz Tang Health Care Access Specialist DOHMH ltang@health.nyc.gov
  23. Lucy Kingangi CDC PHAP Intern DOHMH lkingangi@health.nyc.gov
  24. Mantsetse Kgama Project Manager DOHMH-Viral Hepatitis mkgama1@health.nyc.gov
  25. Mary Chang Charles B Wang Community Health Center
  26. Miranda Moore MPH DOHMH – Viral Hepatitis mmoore3@health.nyc.gov
  27. Nadine Kela-Murphy Practice Transformation Specialist DOHMH nkelamurphy@health.nyc.gov
  28. Nirah Johnson Director of Program Implementation & Capacity Building DOHMH njohnso2@health.nyc.gov
  29. Okhyun Ko Project Coordinator Korean Community Service oko@kcsny.org
  30. Paul Lee project coordinator kcs KCS Health <health@kcsny.org>
  31. Paul Bolter Community Outreach and Education Manager American Liver Foundation PBolter@liverfoundation.org
  32. Paula Wong Educational Outreach Director H+EAL paula.w.wong@gmail.com
  33. Qingqing He Hep B Care Management Specialist Charles B Wang Community Health Center qhe@cbwchc.org
  34. Rachel Redding Program Assistant DOHMH rredding@health.nyc.gov
  35. Sarah Ahmed Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator DOHMH sahmed10@health.nyc.gov
  36. Shanaz Hosein Hep C Prevention in Youth Intern CUNY Brooklyn College hoseinshanaz@gmail.com
  37. Shifra Baum Physician Assistant Elmhurst Hospital shifrabaum@gmail.com
  38. Soonsik “Sara” Kim Hep B Patient Navigator Coordinator Korean Community Service Skim@kcsny.org
  39. Theodore Welling Associate Professor of Surgery, Director Liver Tumor Program NYU Langone Health Theodore.Welling@nyumc.org
  40. Umaima Khatun Program Coordinator DOHMH ukhatun@health.nyc.gov
  41. Yanting (Kelly) Huang Data Manager DOHMH-Viral Hepatitis yhuang5@health.nyc.gov
  42. Yocaira Vazquez Morris Heights Health Center yvazquez@mhhc.org

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