CHIPO-NYC Meeting Highlights | 9-4-2019

African Services Committee

Updates on Community Activities:

  • Cancer Prevention Fund Grant – African Services Committee, in partnership with CHIPO-NYC, was awarded a Cancer Prevention Fund Grant to conduct outreach and education in the African-born community to promote hepatitis and liver cancer screening, vaccination, and linkage to care and treatment
    • CHIPO in collaboration with ASC will plan:
      • One screening and awareness event in each borough (5 total)
      • Provide hep B and C education to participants at events
      • Screen participants for hep B and C
      • Provide incentives to those that are screened
      • Vaccinate those that are susceptible or not immune for hep B
      • Please email Farma Pene at to collaborate for the screening events

Presentation: Addressing Hepatitis B in African Immigrant Communities

Addressing Hepatitis B in African Immigrant Communities: New Educational Resources for Education

Sierra Pellechio, BS, CHES, Health Outreach Coordinator, Hep B Foundation,

  • CDC in partnership with Hepatitis B Foundation conducted a needs assessment to create a campaign for African Immigrants
  • Hep B Foundation created resourses to be available by November 2019
    • Hep B 101 for African Immigrants
    • Flip chart for education
    • Digital Toolkit
  • Email Sierra Pellechio at if your community needs materials translated in other African languages or for any questions.

Collaboration Plan

  • Commemorate National African Immigrant and Refugee HIV and Hepatitis Awareness Day (NAIRHHA DAY)!
    • Looking for organizations to collaborate with for a screening/awareness event by December 31st
      • Hepatitis B Foundation will have one or two storytellers at the event
      • Please email Farma Pene at regarding any cost for our participation


Upcoming Events

  • Training | Hep C Patient Navigation @ NYC Health Dept – September 24th (9-5pm), register here
  • NYC Hep C Task Force Meeting – September 25th at (3 -5pm) at American Cancer Society – 132 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001
  • Liver Cancer Awareness Month – October
  • Next CHIPO-NYC meeting – TBD at African Services Committee 429 W. 127th Street 4th floor. Please RSVP

In Attendance

  1. Arthur manuel, Community Partner,
  2. Consolatie Uawere, Outreach Coordinator, Sauti Yetu Center for African Women and Families,
  3. Farma Pene, HCAS, Meeting Organizer, DOHMH,
  4. Halimatou Konte, Testing Coordinator, ASC,
  5. Jean Pierre Kamwa, Community Worker, Sauti Yetu Center for African Women and Families,
  6. Kim Nichols, Co-Executive Director, ASC,
  7. Mulusew Bekele, Director of Program Operations, ASC,
  8. Nadine Kela-Murphy, Practice Transformation Specialist, DOHMH,
  9. Nyasha Makoni, Hone Coordinator, Mount Sinai,
  10. Onycah Banton, HCV Enhanced Surveillance Investigator, DOHMH,
  11. Prashant Putiagunta, ASC,
  12. Sarah Ahmed, Community Organizing & Training Coordinator, DOHMH,
  13. Sekou Hope, Sauti Yetu Center for African Women and Families,
  14. Sierra Pellechio, BS, CHES, Health Outreach Coordinator, Hep B Foundation,
  15. Umaima Khatun, Check Hep B Program Manager, DOHMH,

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by HepFree NYC


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