The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Commissioner’s Special Recognition Awards will remain virtual for 2022, and take place on Thursday, December 1 at 2:00 pm

The NYSDOH is seeking nominations for the 2022 World AIDS Day Commissioner’s Special Recognition Awards. This email contains the SurveyMonkey link to the nomination form. The form can be used for an individual or team award. Nominations must be completed electronically to be considered. One nominee per New York State region and topic area will be chosen to receive an award based exclusively on a complete and legible summary provided for a nominee.

All nominations must be someone who has never received a World AIDS Day Commissioner’s Special Recognition Award. The person submitting a nomination is responsible for confirming previous awardee status or email to confirm previous awardee status.

In addition to the Ken Dunning Trauma-Informed Care Memorial Award, there are two additional Memorial Awards this year. The Living Your Truth through Leadership, Expression, and Pride:

The Jasán M. Ward Memorial Award and the Rising Star: The Leanna Thornton Memorial Award.

How to submit a nomination:

  • See attached Nomination Topic Area Criteria.
  • Choose one topic area (check one only) listed on the nomination form. Based on the criteria of the topic chosen for an individual or team, two (2) questions need to be completed in the Nominee Summary section of the form.
  • Based on the Ken Dunning criteria, one (1) question will need to be completed in the Ken Dunning TIC Nominee Summary section of the form.
  • Based on the Jasán M. Ward criteria, a two-part question will need to be completed in the Jasán M. Ward Nominee Summary section of the form.
  • Based on the Leanna Thornton criteria, a two-part question will need to be completed in the Leanna Thornton Nominee Summary section of the form.
  • Important: Submit a completed electronic nomination form by Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 5 PM EDT. All questions must be completed for the nomination to be finalized.

Nominations will NOT be accepted after 5 PM EDT on October 11, 2022.


All nominations are subject to review by community stakeholders and the NYSDOH AIDS Institute. The nominator will be notified by the AIDS Institute of the results.

For questions or further information, please contact

Please submit your nomination form on time! Click the link below to access and complete the form.

Last Updated on September 19, 2022 by HepFree NYC

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