HIV/HCV Treatment Access Committee Notes
October 11th (10 AM – Noon)
NYC Department of Health, Long Island City,
In Attendance: See Below
Project SUCCEED: Eliminating Hep C in PLWH in NYC – Updates
Committee Notes: (See slides here)
Project SUCCEED update
- Practice Transformation – Kizzi Belfon, HIV/HCV Surveillance and Evaluation Analyst
- Intervention Site Updates presented by:
- Brightpoint Health – Jasmine Muniz-Cadorette; Director, 340B Program
- Mount Sinai – Jill Pace; Director, HIV Care & Treatment
- Housing Works – Gillian Saunders; Director of Healthcare Compliance and Special Projects
- Housing Works – Brian Hennessey; Program Manager, HIV/Hep-C/Hep-B Programs
- TA Partnering organization: Hispanic AIDS Forum also presented updates on work to integrate HCV care and treatment – Daniel Castellanos, Director of Programs
- Direct Outreach – Summary of Presentation
Farma Pene, Health Care Access Specialist:- Tele-navigation to HIV/Hep C co-infected people out of care for Hep C, began June 2018
- 261 outreached – 77 interviewed, provided navigation services to 82%(63) of those interviewed
- Common patient reactions to initial outreach include:
- Initial confusion/discomfort about discussing health information over the phone
- Want more information about Hep C, treatment, and follow-up monitoring
- In satisfactory care, completed or currently being treated
- Successful Linkage to Care Strategies include:
- Provide Hep C education
- Coordinate with provider and/or pharmacy
- Help uninsured access Hep C treatment payment programs
- Rikers Initiative – Discussion/brainstorm of ideas to increase referrals for linkage to care
Alexis Brenes, HEALTH Care Access Specialist:- Share list of Hep C positive detainees prior to release with DOHMH Patient Navigators
- Organize a pre-release health fair to alert detainees of available services upon release
- Develop a public awareness campaign geared towards re-entry population
- Set up alerts in emergency department reporting systems to help monitor transient population
- Shared Resources
- Electronic Transition Guide
- Affordable Housing Resource here.
- Hep C Patient Navigation Training – Summary of Presentation
MaNtsetse Kgama, Project Manager:- Trainings offered beginning February 2017
- 177 participants trained, at least 85% HIV Providers
- Targeted trainings for Rikers staff and BHIV Housing Contractors
- Positive change in Hep c patient navigation knowledge, efficacy, and attitudes towards special populations
- Treating PWUD for Hep C Update
MaNtsetse Kgama, Project Manager- Barriers to Hepatitis C Treatment for PWUD SurveyMonkey closing 10/19/2018
- Click here to complete/forward survey
- Next Meeting November 15, 11:00am – 12:30pm. RSVP,
Community of Practice and Learning
- HIV Care Status Reports (HCSR)System – Out of HIV Care Patient Look up Service
Dipal Shah – CSR Analyst/Coordinator NYC Health Department
HCSR Homepage
Announcements and Upcoming Events
- NYC Hep C Task Force Meeting. TBD (3-5 PM), American Cancer Society, 132 West 32nd Street. RSVP to: Sarah Ahmed, Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator, NYC Health Dept.
Upcoming Trainings
- Hepatitis Trainings at the NYC Health Department
- Intro to Viral Hepatitis. December 17. (Half day)
- Hep C Patient Navigation. December 18. (Full day)
Community Trainings
- HepCure – weekly tele-education series. Tuesdays (4:30 – 5:30 PM).
- Hep C Basics – To request a an on-site training for community members and front-line staff
Additional resources available at
In Attendance:
- Alexis Brenes, NYC Health Department,
- Alison Whitney, NYC Health Department,
- Brian Hennessey, Housing Works, Inc,
- Courtney Dower, BronxCare/Bronx Lebanon,
- Daniel Castellanos, Hispanic AIDS Forum,
- Dipal Shah, NYC Health Department,
- Gail Brown, Coalition on Positive Health Empowerment (COPE),
- Gil A Cerpa, Praxis Housing Initiatives,Inc.,
- Gillian Saunders, Housing Works, Inc,
- Giusseppe Quispe Ramos, Harlem United,
- Jasmine Muniz-Cadorette, Brightpoint Health,
- Jill Pace, Mount Sinai,
- Kizzi Belfon, NYC Health Department,
- MaNtsetse Kgama, NYC Health Department,
- Marie Bresnahan, NYC Health Department,
- Sarah Ahmed, NYC Health Department,
- Sheryl Young, NYC Health Department,
- Stacey Saunders, GMHC,