Team HOPE Meeting Highlights | 12-12-2017

NYC Health Department

December 12, 2017

Meeting Highlights

  1. Check-In
    1. WSCAH tabling – new schedule to be created for January & February
  2. Tabling – what does it mean? When is it happening?
    1. Please see tabling protocol
  3. CHCs – is this the right place for us to table? Where else could we be tabling?
    1. Public spaces (eg: Washington Square Park)
      1. Put in permit by beginning of February
    2. Youth spaces (drop-in centers)
      1. Youth homeless shelters (The Door – Amela, have you had any luck with connecting?)
      2. Hetrick-Martin
      3. Ali-Forney Center
    3. Youth events (Health fairs, events for homeless youth, youth at risk, youth parties that might have tabling opportunities)
      1. Create list
    4. Organizations already reaching youth (eg: HPV organizations)
      1. TYSA – Shanaz will reach out
    5. Colleges
  4. Feedback
    1. Pocket Card first draft ready – please look over and give input!
      1. Card revisions discussed – edits to be made
    2. Intern Recruitment form
    3. Position Expectations
    4. Task management
      1. Update dashboard w/ task assignments
      2. Color-coordinate by task type
      3. Organize by priority
      4. Set firm deadlines
    5. Updating the website
  5. What we accomplished in Fall 2017
  6. Goals for Spring 2018


To be completed:

  1. Put in permit by beginning of February – Shanaz
  2. The Door – Amela, have you had any luck with connecting?
  3. Hetrick-Martin – Lily
  4. Ali-Forney Center – Amela
  5. Create list of youth events – Mitsuka
  6. TYSA – Shanaz will reach out
  7. Edits to be made to pocket card – Prima
  8. Determining date for team monthly meetings in-person, phone call, first meeting of the year – Prima,
  9. Mitsuka, Amela
  10. Tabling for WSCAH – Prima in progress
  11. High school presentations – Lily

In Attendance

  1. Caroline Davidson, NYC Health Dept,
  2. Lily Lee, CUNY Brooklyn College,
  3. Prima Manandhar, CUNY Hunter College,
  4. Shanaz Hosein, CUNY Brooklyn College,

Last Updated on November 13, 2020 by HepFree NYC


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