Hep Free NYC Meeting Highlights | 10-30-2024
A Joint Hep B Coalition & Hep C Task Force Meeting
October 30, 2024 (2 – 4 PM)
Attendance: See below
Troubleshooting Health Insurance Problems
Ayaz Ahmed, MPA, Health Initiatives Program Manager, Community Service Society of New York – aahmed@cssny.org
- View presentation here
- A one-stop program for health care consumer in NY to receive free assistance in:
- Understanding, Using and Getting Coverage, Accessing Care, Medical Bills and Claim Denials or Appeals
- Questions? Email cha@cssny.org or call 888-614-5400
Promoting Health Insurance for All New Yorkers
Fatema Lovely, MPH, Program Initiatives Coordinator, NYC Health Department Office of Health Insurance Services – flovely@health.nyc.gov
Rachel Schwartz, MPA, Policy Manager, NYC Health Department Health Care Access & Policy – rschwartz2@health.nyc.gov
- View presentation here
- Updates in NYC Health Insurance Plans
- Low-income adults ages 65+ may qualify for Medicaid
- Essential Plan
- DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients are now eligible
- Pregnant enrollees, including one year of post-partum coverage and doula services
- Income requirement increased
- Resources
New York Equity Reform 115 Waiver
Jordan Lowmark, MPH, Consultant, Sachs Policy Group – jlowmark@sachspolicy.com
- View presentation here
- The NYHER 1115 Waiver Demonstration Amendment includes $7.5 billion in new federal and state funding to establish a healthcare delivery system by creating Social Care Networks (SCN), and delivering health-related social needs (HRSN) services.
- Any CBO providing management, referral services, social work support and access to social service can be part of the SCN can be reimbursed for their services
- Abigail Hunter, Clinical Program Manager, Vocal-NY, abigail@vocal-ny.org
- Adeeba Khan, Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, akhan8@health.nyc.gov
- Adeyanju Royer, Patient Navigator, NYC Health + Hospitals – Coney Island Hospital, royera@nychhc.org
- Ajya Sah, Public Health Advisor II, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, asah@health.nyc.gov
- Alejandra Poma, Program Manager, BMS Family Health and Wellness Centers, apoma@bmsfhc.org
- Alma Chaves, Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, achaves@health.nyc.gov
- Ana Vivar, Nurse, North Jersey Community Research Initiative, a.vivar@njcri.org
- Anne Clark, DIS, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, clarka57@michigan.gov
- Assita Belemkoabga, Associate Researcher, Mount Sinai Health System, assita.belemkoabga@mssm.edu
- Benjamin Juul, Urban Health Policy Fellow, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, benjamin.juul@phila.gov
- Bola Omotosho, Senior Advisor for Community Partnerships, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, bomotosho@health.nyc.gov
- Brett Lown, MSL, Dynavax Technologies, blown@dynavax.com
- Brian Hennessey, Director of PrEP and Hepatitis C Initiatives, Bailey House, b.hennessey@housingworks.org
- Carl Tyler, HCV Peer Educator, Sun River Health, ctyler@sunriver.org
- Christina Hwang, Project Director, Data Management, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, chwang@health.nyc.gov
- Christina Boynes, Patient Navigator, BronxCare Health System, cboynes@bronxleb.org
- Corrinne Green, Hepatitis Data and Evaluation Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, cgreen8@health.nyc.gov
- Cristhofer Castro, Alliance for Positive Health, cristhofer@alliance.nyc
- Cynthia Ortigoza, Hepatitis/HIV Surveillance Analyst, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, cortigoza@health.nyc.gov
- Daemena Leocadio, Patient Navigator, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, daemena.leocadio@mssm.edu
- Daryin Hummel, LEAP Care Coordinator, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, daryin.hummel@mssm.edu
- Destini McMillan-Foster, Program Assistant, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, dmcmillanfoster@health.nyc.gov
- Diana Diaz Munoz, Director, Capacity Building – Viral Hepatitis Program, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ddiazmunoz@health.nyc.gov
- Ellie Goldfarb, Project Coordinator, Housing Works, e.goldfarb@housingworks.org
- Emily He, Viral Hepatitis CUNY Intern, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ehe@health.nyc.gov
- Epy Ruiz, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, eruiz@addabbo.org
- Erica Finfer, Project Manager – Perinatal HCV, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, efinfer@health.nyc.gov
- Erin Swepston, Clinical Advisor/VHP Program Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, eswepston@health.nyc.gov
- Farah Riazi, Health Care Practice Facilitation Project Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, friazi@health.nyc.gov
- Farma Pene, Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, fpene@health.nyc.gov
- Fatema Lovely, Program Initiatives Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, flovely@health.nyc.gov
- Fernando Valerio, Patient Navigator, Community Healthcare Network, fvalerio@chnnyc.org
- Francina Collado, Hep C Care Coordinator, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, francina.collado@mssm.edu
- Frank Hood, Associate Director of Policy and Partnerships, Hep B Foundation, frank.hood@hepb.org
- Frank Winter, External Affairs, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, frank.winter@cms.hhs.gov
- Ganiat Disu, CEO, African health coalition Inc, gsarumi@gmail.com
- Haley McKee, Wyoming Department of Health, haley.mckee@wyo.gov
- Hannah Painter, Health Program Specialist, Arkansas Department of Health, hannah.painter@arkansas.gov
- Heather Richmond, Dynavax Technologies, hrichmond@dynavax.com
- Holly Anger, Senior Surveillance and Research Scientist, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, hanger@health.nyc.gov
- Jackilyn Rivera, Community Project Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, jrivera20@health.nyc.gov
- Jamaal A. Clue, Senior Medical Scientist – HIV Prevention, Gilead Science, jamaal.clue@gilead.com
- Jeannine Garriga, Patient Navigator, BOOM!Health, jgarriga@boomhealth.org
- Joelle Bodeta, Hepatitis Patient Navigator, NYC Health + Hospitals – Elmhurst Hospital Center, bodetaj@nychhc.org
- Jordan Lowmark, Sachs Policy Group, jlowmark@sachspolicy.com
- Joy Cambe, Program Coordinator, Empire Liver Foundation, joycambe@empireliverfoundation.org
- Jules Levin, Executive Director, National Association on Drug Abuse Problems (New York State), Inc, jules@natap.org
- Julie Yoshimachi, Hep B Medical Director, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, jyoshimachi@cbwchc.org
- Kara Burke, Program Manager, NYS Department of Health – The AIDS Institute
- Leandra Ureña, Hep C Community Navigation Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, lurea@health.nyc.gov
- Liam Vallely, Program Administrative Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, lvallely@health.nyc.gov
- Lidia Funes, Mount Sinai Health System, lidia.funes@mssm.edu
- Lisa Helburn, Executive Director of Health Insurance Services, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, lhelburn@health.nyc.gov
- Lismeiry Paulino, Patient Navigator, Mount Sinai Health System, lismeiry.paulino@mountsinai.org
- Liz Tang, Project Director of Telenavigation, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ltang@health.nyc.gov
- Luis Worrell, Advocacy Project Manager, The Alliance for Positive Change, luis@alliance.nyc
- Luis Mares, Hep/HIV Coordinator, Latino Commission on AIDS, lmares@latinoaids.org
- Makenna Koger, Health Educator, God’s Love We Deliver, mkoger@glwd.org
- Marguerite LeLaurin, HIV PrEP Program Manager, New York City Health & Hospitals Corp, lelaurim@nychhc.org
- Mariana Martinez, Hep C Patient Coordinator, After Hours Project, mmartinez@afterhoursproject.org
- Marie Bresnahan, Director Training, Policy and Administration, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, mbresnahan@health.nyc.gov
- Mariela Lazo, Community Engagement Intern, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, mlazo@health.nyc.gov
- Mary Chiang, Patient Navigator, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, mchiang@cbwchc.org
- Mary Nagy, Viral Hepatitis Health Educator, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, nagym@michigan.gov
- Meaghan Grignon, New York State Health Department, meaghan.grignon@health.ny.gov
- Medesa Garrett, HCV Program Coordinator, Sun River Health, mgarrett@sunriver.org
- Mira Batra, Community Medicine Program, NYU Langone – Family Health Centers, mirabai.batra@nyulangone.org
- Monique Welbeck, Management, Community Health Center of Richmond, mwelbeck@chcrichmond.org
- Olivia Adjekum, RN,BSN, Washington County Health Department, olivia.adjekum@maryland.gov
- Parizod Kamilova, RN, St. Louis County Department of Health, pkamilova@stlouiscountymo.gov
- Paul Santos, Hep C Community Navigation Project Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, psantos@health.nyc.gov
- Paula Wong, Educational Outreach Director, H+EAL, paula.w.wong@gmail.com
- Perla Romero, Assistant Director of Outreach, Education, & Linkage to Care, The Alliance for Positive Change, perla@alliance.nyc
- Rachel Schwartz, Policy Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, rschwartz2@health.nyc.gov
- Rahel Yosief, Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ryosief@health.nyc.gov
- Raquel Cruz, Hep C Patient Navigator, BMS Family Health and Wellness Centers, rcruz@bmsfhc.org
- Reed Vreeland, Viral Hepatitis Research Analyst, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, rvreeland@health.nyc.gov
- Renee Frink-Boyd, Hepatitis C Outreach Specialist, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, renee.boyd@phila.gov
- Robert Sanchez, LGBTQ Network, rsanchez@lgbtnetwork.org
- Roxann Stubbs, NP, AbbVie, roxann.stubbs@abbvie.com
- Samantha Carpen, Enhanced Surveillance Investigator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, scarpen1@health.nyc.gov
- Sarah Ahmed, Social Marketing Project Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, sahmed10@health.nyc.gov
- Sarah Weihl, Health Care Access Specialist, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, sweihl@health.nyc.gov
- Shamar Smalls, Project Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ssmalls1@health.nyc.gov
- Shantal Munoz, Health Educator, Mount Sinai Health System, shantal.munoz@mountsinai.org
- Sharon Pitter, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, sharonp@africanservices.org
- Sheana Ewers, Housing Works, s.ewers@housingworks.org
- Stefan Beck, National Account Director, Gilead Science, stefan.beck2@gilead.com
- Tasnim Bhuiyan, Ms, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, tasnim.bhuiyan@mssm.edu
- Teresa Juridico, VHPC, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, wongt@michigan.gov
- Theresa Willis, RN, Epidemiologist, Orange County Health Services, twillis@co.orange.tx.us
- Umaima Khatun, Program Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ukhatun@health.nyc.gov
- Valerie Reyes-Jimenez, Associate for NYC Community Mobilization, Housing Works, reyes-jimenez@housingworks.org
- Versalle Shelton, Clinical Practice Facilitator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, vshelton@health.nyc.gov
- Yisha Johnson, Hep C Patient Navigator, Interfaith Medical Center, yisha.johnson@obhny.org
- Yudelka Rodriguez, Hep C Coordinator, St. John’s Riverside Hospital, yrodriguez@riversidehealth.org
Last Updated on December 31, 2024 by HepFree NYC