Hep Free NYC Meeting Highlights | 10-30-2024

A Joint Hep B Coalition & Hep C Task Force Meeting

October 30, 2024 (2 – 4 PM)

AttendanceSee below


Troubleshooting Health Insurance Problems
Ayaz Ahmed, MPA, Health Initiatives Program Manager, Community Service Society of New York – aahmed@cssny.org

  • View presentation here
  • A one-stop program for health care consumer in NY to receive free assistance in:
    • Understanding, Using and Getting Coverage, Accessing Care, Medical Bills and Claim Denials or Appeals
  • Questions? Email cha@cssny.org or call 888-614-5400

Promoting Health Insurance for All New Yorkers
Fatema Lovely, MPH, Program Initiatives Coordinator, NYC Health Department Office of Health Insurance Services – flovely@health.nyc.gov
Rachel Schwartz, MPA, Policy Manager, NYC Health Department Health Care Access & Policy – rschwartz2@health.nyc.gov

New York Equity Reform 115 Waiver
Jordan Lowmark, MPH, Consultant, Sachs Policy Group – jlowmark@sachspolicy.com

  • View presentation here
  • The NYHER 1115 Waiver Demonstration Amendment includes $7.5 billion in new federal and state funding to establish a healthcare delivery system by creating Social Care Networks (SCN), and delivering health-related social needs (HRSN) services.
    • Any CBO providing management, referral services, social work support and access to social service can be part of the SCN can be reimbursed for their services


  1. Abigail Hunter, Clinical Program Manager, Vocal-NY, abigail@vocal-ny.org
  2. Adeeba Khan, Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, akhan8@health.nyc.gov
  3. Adeyanju Royer, Patient Navigator, NYC Health + Hospitals – Coney Island Hospital, royera@nychhc.org
  4. Ajya Sah, Public Health Advisor II, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, asah@health.nyc.gov
  5. Alejandra Poma, Program Manager, BMS Family Health and Wellness Centers, apoma@bmsfhc.org
  6. Alma Chaves, Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, achaves@health.nyc.gov
  7. Ana Vivar, Nurse, North Jersey Community Research Initiative, a.vivar@njcri.org
  8. Anne Clark, DIS, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, clarka57@michigan.gov
  9. Assita Belemkoabga, Associate Researcher, Mount Sinai Health System, assita.belemkoabga@mssm.edu
  10. Benjamin Juul, Urban Health Policy Fellow, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, benjamin.juul@phila.gov
  11. Bola Omotosho, Senior Advisor for Community Partnerships, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, bomotosho@health.nyc.gov
  12. Brett Lown, MSL, Dynavax Technologies, blown@dynavax.com
  13. Brian Hennessey, Director of PrEP and Hepatitis C Initiatives, Bailey House, b.hennessey@housingworks.org
  14. Carl Tyler, HCV Peer Educator, Sun River Health, ctyler@sunriver.org
  15. Christina Hwang, Project Director, Data Management, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, chwang@health.nyc.gov
  16. Christina Boynes, Patient Navigator, BronxCare Health System, cboynes@bronxleb.org
  17. Corrinne Green, Hepatitis Data and Evaluation Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, cgreen8@health.nyc.gov
  18. Cristhofer Castro, Alliance for Positive Health, cristhofer@alliance.nyc
  19. Cynthia Ortigoza, Hepatitis/HIV Surveillance Analyst, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, cortigoza@health.nyc.gov
  20. Daemena Leocadio, Patient Navigator, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,    daemena.leocadio@mssm.edu
  21. Daryin Hummel, LEAP Care Coordinator, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, daryin.hummel@mssm.edu
  22. Destini McMillan-Foster, Program Assistant, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, dmcmillanfoster@health.nyc.gov
  23. Diana Diaz Munoz, Director, Capacity Building – Viral Hepatitis Program, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ddiazmunoz@health.nyc.gov
  24. Ellie Goldfarb, Project Coordinator, Housing Works, e.goldfarb@housingworks.org
  25. Emily He, Viral Hepatitis CUNY Intern, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ehe@health.nyc.gov
  26. Epy Ruiz, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, eruiz@addabbo.org
  27. Erica Finfer, Project Manager – Perinatal HCV, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, efinfer@health.nyc.gov
  28. Erin Swepston, Clinical Advisor/VHP Program Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, eswepston@health.nyc.gov
  29. Farah Riazi, Health Care Practice Facilitation Project Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, friazi@health.nyc.gov
  30. Farma Pene, Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, fpene@health.nyc.gov
  31. Fatema Lovely, Program Initiatives Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, flovely@health.nyc.gov
  32. Fernando Valerio, Patient Navigator, Community Healthcare Network, fvalerio@chnnyc.org
  33. Francina Collado, Hep C Care Coordinator, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, francina.collado@mssm.edu
  34. Frank Hood, Associate Director of Policy and Partnerships, Hep B Foundation, frank.hood@hepb.org
  35. Frank Winter, External Affairs, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, frank.winter@cms.hhs.gov
  36. Ganiat Disu, CEO, African health coalition Inc, gsarumi@gmail.com
  37. Haley McKee, Wyoming Department of Health, haley.mckee@wyo.gov
  38. Hannah Painter, Health Program Specialist, Arkansas Department of Health, hannah.painter@arkansas.gov
  39. Heather Richmond, Dynavax Technologies, hrichmond@dynavax.com
  40. Holly Anger, Senior Surveillance and Research Scientist, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, hanger@health.nyc.gov
  41. Jackilyn Rivera, Community Project Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, jrivera20@health.nyc.gov
  42. Jamaal A. Clue, Senior Medical Scientist – HIV Prevention, Gilead Science, jamaal.clue@gilead.com
  43. Jeannine Garriga, Patient Navigator, BOOM!Health, jgarriga@boomhealth.org
  44. Joelle Bodeta, Hepatitis Patient Navigator, NYC Health + Hospitals – Elmhurst Hospital Center, bodetaj@nychhc.org
  45. Jordan Lowmark, Sachs Policy Group, jlowmark@sachspolicy.com
  46. Joy Cambe, Program Coordinator, Empire Liver Foundation, joycambe@empireliverfoundation.org
  47. Jules Levin, Executive Director, National Association on Drug Abuse Problems (New York State), Inc, jules@natap.org
  48. Julie Yoshimachi, Hep B Medical Director, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, jyoshimachi@cbwchc.org
  49. Kara Burke, Program Manager, NYS Department of Health – The AIDS Institute
  50. Leandra Ureña, Hep C Community Navigation Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, lurea@health.nyc.gov
  51. Liam Vallely, Program Administrative Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, lvallely@health.nyc.gov
  52. Lidia Funes, Mount Sinai Health System, lidia.funes@mssm.edu
  53. Lisa Helburn, Executive Director of Health Insurance Services, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, lhelburn@health.nyc.gov
  54. Lismeiry Paulino, Patient Navigator, Mount Sinai Health System, lismeiry.paulino@mountsinai.org
  55. Liz Tang, Project Director of Telenavigation, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ltang@health.nyc.gov
  56. Luis Worrell, Advocacy Project Manager, The Alliance for Positive Change, luis@alliance.nyc
  57. Luis Mares, Hep/HIV Coordinator, Latino Commission on AIDS, lmares@latinoaids.org
  58. Makenna Koger, Health Educator, God’s Love We Deliver, mkoger@glwd.org
  59. Marguerite LeLaurin, HIV PrEP Program Manager, New York City Health & Hospitals Corp, lelaurim@nychhc.org
  60. Mariana Martinez, Hep C Patient Coordinator, After Hours Project, mmartinez@afterhoursproject.org
  61. Marie Bresnahan, Director Training, Policy and Administration, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, mbresnahan@health.nyc.gov
  62. Mariela Lazo, Community Engagement Intern, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, mlazo@health.nyc.gov
  63. Mary Chiang, Patient Navigator, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, mchiang@cbwchc.org
  64. Mary Nagy, Viral Hepatitis Health Educator, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, nagym@michigan.gov
  65. Meaghan Grignon, New York State Health Department, meaghan.grignon@health.ny.gov
  66. Medesa Garrett, HCV Program Coordinator, Sun River Health, mgarrett@sunriver.org
  67. Mira Batra, Community Medicine Program, NYU Langone – Family Health Centers, mirabai.batra@nyulangone.org
  68. Monique Welbeck, Management, Community Health Center of Richmond, mwelbeck@chcrichmond.org
  69. Olivia Adjekum, RN,BSN, Washington County Health Department, olivia.adjekum@maryland.gov
  70. Parizod Kamilova, RN, St. Louis County Department of Health, pkamilova@stlouiscountymo.gov
  71. Paul Santos, Hep C Community Navigation Project Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, psantos@health.nyc.gov
  72. Paula Wong, Educational Outreach Director, H+EAL, paula.w.wong@gmail.com
  73. Perla Romero, Assistant Director of Outreach, Education, & Linkage to Care, The Alliance for Positive Change, perla@alliance.nyc
  74. Rachel Schwartz, Policy Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, rschwartz2@health.nyc.gov
  75. Rahel Yosief, Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ryosief@health.nyc.gov
  76. Raquel Cruz, Hep C Patient Navigator, BMS Family Health and Wellness Centers, rcruz@bmsfhc.org
  77. Reed Vreeland, Viral Hepatitis Research Analyst, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, rvreeland@health.nyc.gov
  78. Renee Frink-Boyd, Hepatitis C Outreach Specialist, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, renee.boyd@phila.gov
  79. Robert Sanchez, LGBTQ Network, rsanchez@lgbtnetwork.org
  80. Roxann Stubbs, NP, AbbVie, roxann.stubbs@abbvie.com
  81. Samantha Carpen, Enhanced Surveillance Investigator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, scarpen1@health.nyc.gov
  82. Sarah Ahmed, Social Marketing Project Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, sahmed10@health.nyc.gov
  83. Sarah Weihl, Health Care Access Specialist, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, sweihl@health.nyc.gov
  84. Shamar Smalls, Project Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ssmalls1@health.nyc.gov
  85. Shantal Munoz, Health Educator, Mount Sinai Health System, shantal.munoz@mountsinai.org
  86. Sharon Pitter, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, sharonp@africanservices.org
  87. Sheana Ewers, Housing Works, s.ewers@housingworks.org
  88. Stefan Beck, National Account Director, Gilead Science, stefan.beck2@gilead.com
  89. Tasnim Bhuiyan, Ms, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, tasnim.bhuiyan@mssm.edu
  90. Teresa Juridico, VHPC, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, wongt@michigan.gov
  91. Theresa Willis, RN, Epidemiologist, Orange County Health Services, twillis@co.orange.tx.us
  92. Umaima Khatun, Program Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ukhatun@health.nyc.gov
  93. Valerie Reyes-Jimenez, Associate for NYC Community Mobilization, Housing Works, reyes-jimenez@housingworks.org
  94. Versalle Shelton, Clinical Practice Facilitator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, vshelton@health.nyc.gov
  95. Yisha Johnson, Hep C Patient Navigator, Interfaith Medical Center, yisha.johnson@obhny.org
  96. Yudelka Rodriguez, Hep C Coordinator, St. John’s Riverside Hospital, yrodriguez@riversidehealth.org

Last Updated on December 31, 2024 by HepFree NYC

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