HHS Releases Updated National Viral Hep Action Plan

The Action Plan’s goals and strategies are intended to guide individuals and organizations from all sectors of society to strengthen our collective national response to HBV and HCV infections.

In providing this comprehensive framework, we seek to align the efforts of all stakeholders—federal and nonfederal alike—as well as facilitate new or expanded collaborative activities among stakeholders. The updated plan outlines strategies to achieve four major goals and includes indicators to help track progress between now and 2020. The goals are:

Goal 1: Prevent new viral hepatitis infections

Goal 2: Reduce deaths and improve the health of people living with viral hepatitis

Goal 3: Reduce viral hepatitis health disparities

Goal 4: Coordinate, monitor, and report on implementation of viral hepatitis activities

It also prioritizes strategies to be used to achieve each goal and identifies 17 indicators that will be used to monitor progress toward those goals.

Last Updated on November 28, 2018 by HepFree NYC


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