NYS Hep C Learning Collaborative Launched!

The launch of New York State’s Hep C Dashboard is for the purpose of measuring, tracking, and disseminating actionable information on progress toward eliminating Hep C in New York State (NYS). This web-based, public-facing, interactive dashboard system will present targets and key outcomes of the initiative to eliminate Hep C in NYS and serve as a comprehensive source of local and statewide Hep C-related data.

Building off of their work on the NYS Ending the HIV Epidemic (ETE) Dashboard, NYS hope that the Hep C Dashboard will become a useful and powerful tool for all stakeholders and they encourage everyone to share this exciting launch announcement with their peers and colleagues.

For more information about the Dashboard launch and the NYS Hep C Elimination Plan, read more here

As of July 18, 2022, the New York State Hepatitis C (HCV) Learning Collaborative, has officially launched. This is a program that aims to build capacity for Hep C testing and linkage to care among substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs. The Hep C Learning Collaborative will help prepare these programs to screen and diagnose people for hepatitis C, using antibody screening and Hep C RNA testing, and link clients living with Hep C to curative treatment and care.

Read more about the NYS Hep C Learning Collaborative here

Last Updated on July 18, 2022 by HepFree NYC

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