Hep C Task Force Meeting Highlights | 02-27-2019
February 27th (9AM – 2PM) The Center: 208 West 13th St, Manhattan
www.hepfree.nyc #HepFreeNYC #EndHepatitis
In Attendance: See Below
Project SUCCEED: Eliminating Hep C in People Living With HIV in NYC
Progress Report & Outstanding Needs
Amber Casey, MPH, Deputy Director, HIV Care & Treatment, NYC Health Dept – acasey@health.nyc.gov
Nirah Johnson, LCSW, Capacity Building Director, Viral Hepatitis, NYC Health Dept – njohnso2@health.nyc.gov
- View full presentations here.
Strategies to Reengage Patients in Care and Treatment
HASA-Healthix ‘Bottom-Up’ Project
Alert System When Patients Deemed Lost to Care Touch the Health Care System
Peter Gordon, MD, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, New York Presbyterian – pgg2@cumc.columbia.edu
- View full presentations here.
Community Health Work: BronxCare Case Presentation
Courtney Dower, MBA, Program Manager, HIV/Hep-C/Hep-B Programs, BronxCare Health Systems – cdower@bronxleb.org
- View full presentations here.
Optimizing Clinical Systems and Programs to Support Hep C Care
Funding Hepatitis Navigation through 340 B: Brightpoint Case Presentation
Jasmine Muniz-Cadorette, Business Operations Coordinator, Brightpoint Health – jcadorette@brightpointhealth.org
Lettice Maldonado, MPA, HCV Program Coordinator, Brightpoint Health – lmaldonado@brightpointhealth.org
- View full presentations here.
Leveraging Multiple Programs and Quality Improvement Initiatives
Gillian Saunders, Director of Healthcare Compliance and Special Projects, Housing Works Community Healthcare – g.saunders@housingworks.org
- View full presentations here.
- NYSHealth Accepting Applications for Conference Scholarships
- Rolling Deadline
In Attendance:
- Alecia Charles, Hepatitis C Program Coordinator, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, alecia.charles@downstate.edu
- Alexander Zhang, PREP/ Hep C Patient Navigator, HousingWorks, a.zhang@housingworks.org
- Alexis Brenes, Health Care Access Specialist, DOHMH, abrenes@health.nyc.gov
- Amber Casey, Deputy Director, DOHMH, acasey@health.nyc.gov
- April Bennett, Health Systems Executive, Abbvie, april.bennett@abbvie.com
- Ashley Martinez, Linkage to care specialist, AHF, ashley.martinez@aidshealth.org
- Brian Hennessey, PREP Coordinator, Housingworks, b.hennessey@housingworks.org
- Bruce Glazer, Account Executive, AbbVie, bruce.glazer@abbvie.com
- Carol Lemus, Director of Health and Wellness, Lantern Community Services, clemus@lanterncommunity.org
- Cherry Jones, HCV Program Coordinator, Mount Sinai’s St.Luke’s and West, cherry.jones@mountsinai.org
- Chris Cruz, Population Management, Abbvie, chris.cruz@abbvie.com
- Courtney Dower, Program Manager, Bronxcare Health Systems, cdower@bronxleb.org
- Danielle Tenore, Assistant Pharmacy manager, Callen Lorde Community Health Center, dtenore@maxor.com
- Darnelle Delva, CQI Coordinator, BrightPoint Health, ddelva@brightpointhealth.org
- Daryin Hummel, LEAP Care Coordinator, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai daryin.hummel@mssm.edu
- Debra Stewart, HIV/HCV Navigator, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, dstewart@kingsbrook.org
- Dennis Robinson, Account Executive, Acaria health Specialty Pharmacy, william.robinson@acariahealth.com
- Diana Diaz-Munoz, Program Coordinator, (Hep C Peer/Check Hep C), DOHMH, ddiazmunoz@health.nyc.gov
- Donny Ramsook, Pharmacy Manager, Maxor National Pharmacy Services, dramsook@maxor.com
- Elaine West, Vocal-NY, relaytoela@gmail.com
- Enedina Martinez, Pharmacy Liason, Boriken HC, emartinez@boriken.org
- Farah Riazi, Outreach Coordinator, Reach at Mount Sinai, farah.riazi@mountsinai.org
- Farma Pene, Health Care Access Specialist, DOHMH, fpene@health.nyc.gov
- Gail Brown, Policy Advocate, COPE, gbrown.cope@gmail.com
- Gillian Saunders, Director of Healthcare Compliance and Special Projects, Housing Works, G.Saunders@housingworks.org
- Graciela Razo, Harm Reduction Coordinator, Streetwork Project, graiela.razo@safehorizon.org
- Gracine S. Lewis, AETC Coordinator, AETC, gs2375@cumc.columbia.edu
- Gregory Barber, HCV Peer Educator, Montefiore Medical Center – DOSA – Help C Program
- Indigo Leon, Patient Navigator, HousingWorks, i.leon@housingworks.org
- Jasmine Muniz-Cadorette, 340B Program Coordinator, Brightpoint Health, jcadorette@brightpointhealth.org
- Jessie Schwartz, Clinical Coordinator, DOHMH – Viral Hepatitis, jschwartz2@health.nyc.gov
- Jill Pace, Mount Sinai, jill.pace@mountsinai.org
- Joseph Castro, Peer Mentor, CHASI, castrojoseph325@gmail.com
- Kate Kozeniewski RN, Brightpoint Health, kkozeniewski@brightpointhealth.org
- Katrina Rawlins, Health Educator, Memorial Sloan Kettering, rawlinsk@mskcc.org
- Legacee Medina, Mental Health Advocate/Hep C Coordinator, Housing Works, c.jefferson@housingworks.org
- Lettice Maldonado, HIV/HCV Program Coordinator, Brightpoint Health, mgarrett@brightpointhealth.org
- Lily Rothenberg, Hep C and PrEP Navigator, HousingWorks, l.rothenberg@housingworks.org
- Lissette Marrero, US Dept of Health and Human Services, lissette.marrero@icf.com,
- Lucy Vega, Check Hep C Patient Navigator, Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center, Lvega@bsfhc.org
- Luis Perez, Pharmacy Specialist/Advocate, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, luis.r.perez@aidshealth.org
- Mantsetse Kgama, Project Manager, DOHMH-Viral Hepatitis, mkgama1@health.nyc.gov
- Marie Bresnahan, Project Director, DOHMH-Viral Hepatitis, mbresnahan@health.nyc.gov
- Medesa Garrett, HCV Coordinator, Brightpoint Health, mgarrett@brightpointhealth.org
- Natalie Octave, Project Coordinator, DOHMH, noctave@health.nyc.gov
- Nicole Brothers, Peer Mentor, Street Works LES, nikkisoinxs@gmail.com
- Nirah Johnson, Director of Capacity Building, DOHMH, njohnso2@health.nyc.gov
- Noah Heau, Harm Reduction Assistant Manager, Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, noah@alliance.nyc
- Perla Romero, Hep C Harm Reduction Coordinator, Alliance’s Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, perla@alliance.nyc
- Peter Gordon, MD, New York Presbyterian, pgg2@cumc.columbia.edu
- Phil Golman, AcariaHealth Specialty Pharmacy, philip.golman@acariahealth.com
- Robert Desrouleaux, Community Liaison, Hepatitis C Mentor and Support Group, rdesrouleaux@hepatitiscmsg.org
- Sarah Ahmed, Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator, DOHMH, sahmed10@health.nyc.gov
- Scott Peck, Senior Relationship Executive, MEDLY Pharmacy, scott@medlypharmacy.com
- Sheila Zegarra, sheilazegarra@gmail.com
- Signe Langsetmo, PREP/ Hep C Patient Navigator, HousingWorks, s.langsetmo@housingworks.org
- Sima Toussi, Medical Director, Amida Care, stoussi@amidacareny.org
- Steven Sims, Health Educator, AIDS Center Queens County, ssims@acqc.edu
- Tatiana Vera, Health Educator/Linkage to Care Specialist, Montefiore Medical Center, tvera@montefiore.org
- Terri Wilder, Director, HIV/AIDS Education and Training Mount Sinai, Terri.Wilder@mountsinai.org
- Terry Leach, VP of Pharmacy, Amida Care, tleach@amidacareny.org
- Tiarra Hall, HIV/Hep C Tester, Bridging Access to Care, thall@bac-ny.org
- Toya Robinson, Therapeutic Specialist, Gilead Sciences toya.robinson@gilead.com
- Umaima Khatun, Program Coordinator, DOHMH, ukhatun@health.nyc.gov
- Woigline Zamy, Linkage to Care Specialist, STAR Program, Woigline.zamy@downstate.edu
- Yanting (Kelly) Huang, Data Manager, DOHMH-Viral Hepatitis, yhuang5@health.nyc.gov
- Ziyad Mclean, OMD Program Assistant, AIDS Institute, ziyad.mclean2@health.ny.gov
Last Updated on November 13, 2020 by HepFree NYC
Tags: Hep C Task Force Committee