Hep Free NYC Patient Navigator Tour & Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, February 23rd (3 – 5 PM)
Tour of the Nest at Harlem United
169 West 133rd Street, Manhattan
The Patient Navigator Network is creating a directory of patient navigators in New York City. This directory will be a great resource for connecting patient navigators and sharing information.
If you would like to be part of this directory, complete the form here
This directory will be regularly updated and shared with members of the Patient Navigator network.
Hepatitis Services Provided by the Nest
Cinthia Castro (ccastro@harlemunited.org)
- The Nest is an addition to preexisting East and West clinics of Harlem United.
- Currently there are 4 providers in Hepatitis patient care – 2 Infectious Disease doctors and 2 nurse practitioners.
- The Nest has treated 80 patients with Hep C, with 54 clients being cured.
- Nurses at the three different clinics dispense the medication to clients to ensure 100% adherence as well to address any possible side effects.
- Medications are delivered weekly (in blister packs) to those clients who are unable to come to the clinics to pick up their medications.
- A holiday party is thrown at the end of the year for patients who are undergoing treatment of Hepatitis C
- The Nest has a support group held every Friday. The support group focuses on harm reduction and education.
- Harlem united is currently treating clients on their medical mobile units. The medical mobile unit travels to the Bronx, Brooklyn and different parts of Manhattan.
The Nest Hours
Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Primary medical care
- HIV treatment and prevention (i.e. Pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP)
- Hepatitis C services
- Opiate dependence treatment (Suboxone)
- Mental Health (psychiatric care and psychotherapy)
- Enroll Manhattan Project and assistance with insurance enrollment
- Health Home/Care Coordination
- LGBT Heath services
Saturdays, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
- Psychiatric service
To make an appointment, call 212.849.2780
In attendance
- Adisa Yamusah, Care Coordinator, Harlem United, ayamusah@harlemunited.org
- Angel Cotto, Linkage to Care Navigator, Wyckoff Heights Medical Center Hepatitis C Program, acotto@wyckoffhospital.org
- Ariel Caba, Intake Specialist, Harlem United, acaba@harlemunited.org
- Byron Eads, Peer Navigator, National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS Inc. (NBLCA), Byrone1958@gmail.com
- Catherine Linda Malloy, Peer Navigator, Praxis Housing Initiatives Inc., malloy71@yahoo.com
- Cinthia Castro, Patient Navigator, Harlem United, Ccastro@harlemunited.org
- Daniel Calder, Outreach Coordinator, DOHMH, dcalder@health.nyc.gov
- Dorothy Johnson, Linkage to Care Specialist, Acacia Network, djohnson@promesa.org
- Gregory Williams, HCV Peer Navigator, Washington Heights Corner Project Abdeergh427@gmail.com
- Nick Van Breta, Peer Coordinator, Washington Heights Corner Project nick@cornerproject.org
- Paul Bolter, Health Education, American Liver Foundation, pbolter@liverfoundation.org
- Robert Wilson, Care Technician, William F Ryan Community Health Center, Wilson@ryancenter.org
Tags: Patient Navigator Committee