Team HOPE Meeting Highlights | 2-6-18

SASB Small Group Meeting Room

February 6, 2018

Meeting Notes

  1. Updates from Lily
    1. Lily or Caroline, perhaps you could add on here as I wasn’t in this part of the meeting. I’m sure there are many great things to add in here
    2. We should create a contact list of all interns (Caroline created, in the drive folder)
  2. Updates from Caroline
    1. Chad has been involved in preparing for the
      1. Brooklyn College health fair in May
      2. Presentations for Professor Koizumi’s Brooklyn College class
        1. Lily will be reaching out to Chad on dates and times of
    2. Flyers for SSafe Study to pass out
    3. New project to work on: contact syringe exchange programs in the city: what their intake process is like
    4. Tabling at WSCAH with Alex Brenes (more info below): HOPE interns can potentially collaborate, provide materials
  3. Updates from Prima
    1. set up upcoming in-person and phone meetings
    2. postcard handout has been in collaboration with Caroline
    3. Finalizing details of collaboration with Alex Brenes, a linkage to care specialist to table and present at WSCAH
    4. have recruited one intern candidate, shared on LinkedIn
    5. will be more active on our Instagram account
    6. ideas to be discussed with all interns on the mandate/areas of work of HepFree HOPE
    7. Ideas:
      1. focus groups with past participants
      2. Caroline suggested asking (in addition to feedback on the presentation and information retained) what resources participants need/aren’t getting
      3. informational session/discussion with NYC DOHMH Hep C specialists


To do before our phone call meeting:

  1. Follow up on presentation dates and times for Brooklyn College class (Lily)
  2. Follow up on health fair at Brooklyn College (Chad)
  3. Share intern recruitment form with college counselors, etc (all)
  4. Have tabling supplies ready by end of February (all)
    1. pens: design print graphics (Prima)
    2. poster and postcard handouts (Caroline will order once funding from TYSA is in)
  5. Continue HS outreach and planning (Lily? Amela, Mistuka?)
  6. Finalize details of hepC linkage to care specialist at WSCAH, potential coordination with HOPE interns (Prima)
  7. Maintain social media presence (Caroline, Mistuka, Amela?)
  8. Keep each other posted!

In Attendance

  1. Caroline Davidson, NYC Health Dept,
  2. Lily Lee, CUNY Brooklyn College,
  3. Prima Manandhar, CUNY Hunter College,

Last Updated on November 13, 2020 by HepFree NYC


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