Meeting Notes
- Updates from Lily
- Lily or Caroline, perhaps you could add on here as I wasn’t in this part of the meeting. I’m sure there are many great things to add in here
- We should create a contact list of all interns (Caroline created, in the drive folder)
- Updates from Caroline
- Chad has been involved in preparing for the
- Brooklyn College health fair in May
- Presentations for Professor Koizumi’s Brooklyn College class
- Lily will be reaching out to Chad on dates and times of
- Flyers for SSafe Study to pass out
- New project to work on: contact syringe exchange programs in the city: what their intake process is like
- Tabling at WSCAH with Alex Brenes (more info below): HOPE interns can potentially collaborate, provide materials
- Chad has been involved in preparing for the
- Updates from Prima
- set up upcoming in-person and phone meetings
- postcard handout has been in collaboration with Caroline
- Finalizing details of collaboration with Alex Brenes, a linkage to care specialist to table and present at WSCAH
- have recruited one intern candidate, shared on LinkedIn
- will be more active on our Instagram account
- ideas to be discussed with all interns on the mandate/areas of work of HepFree HOPE
- Ideas:
- focus groups with past participants
- Caroline suggested asking (in addition to feedback on the presentation and information retained) what resources participants need/aren’t getting
- informational session/discussion with NYC DOHMH Hep C specialists
To do before our phone call meeting:
- Follow up on presentation dates and times for Brooklyn College class (Lily)
- Follow up on health fair at Brooklyn College (Chad)
- Share intern recruitment form with college counselors, etc (all)
- Have tabling supplies ready by end of February (all)
- pens: design print graphics (Prima)
- poster and postcard handouts (Caroline will order once funding from TYSA is in)
- Continue HS outreach and planning (Lily? Amela, Mistuka?)
- Finalize details of hepC linkage to care specialist at WSCAH, potential coordination with HOPE interns (Prima)
- Maintain social media presence (Caroline, Mistuka, Amela?)
- Keep each other posted!
In Attendance
- Caroline Davidson, NYC Health Dept,
- Lily Lee, CUNY Brooklyn College,
- Prima Manandhar, CUNY Hunter College,
Last Updated on November 13, 2020 by HepFree NYC