Team HOPE Call Highlights | 9-14-2017

Via Conference Call

September 14, 2017

Tour of the team dashboard

  1. Sheet 1 = Task Table – go here to see what projects we are focused on, what tasks are assigned to you, and what tasks have yet to be assigned. Please add additional tasks that need completing
  2. Sheet 2 = 2017-2018 Calendar – a broad look at upcoming team events & important dates. If you have a presentation/event you’d like the team to participate in, add it here so that we can see how it fits in the schedule.
  3. Sheet 3 = Metrics – this is tracking how we are measuring up to our goals for engagement
  4. Sheet 4 = Outreach Log – this is where you can document how an outreach went, and we can track who we are engaging with


Discussion of Upcoming Projects:

  1. Boosting our Social Media
  2. Tabling at WSCAH
  3. Presenting at 3 High Schools
  4. Creating and Printing HOPE pocket card
  5. Tabling at Hunter Health Fair


Task breakdown & assignment (to see who these tasks have been assigned to, please check the Task Table)

  1. Boosting our Social Media: creating gmail account, create shared gcal, create guidelines for posting, post on IG & fb, develop material for fb
  2. Tabling at WSCAH: ensure contact with WSCAH, create tabling calendar, create tabling sign, get incentives & tabling supplies
  3. Presenting at 3 High Schools: develop & revise curriculum & activities, send emails to list of high schools, keep in contact with high schools, confirm presenters
  4. Creating and Printing HOPE pocket card: initial design of card, revise content & design, print card
  5. Tabling at Hunter Health Fair: get in contact, submit request, create tabling calendar



  1. Team organization chart – Please look over the team roles chart in the drive to see if there are any edits you’d like made! Please send questions and comments to Prima.
  2. Monthly/Bimonthly Meeting @ DOHMH – So that we can meet in person, we will be having a regular meeting at the DOHMH – an email about this will be going out 2 weeks from now!

In Attendance

  1. Caroline Davidson, NYC Health Dept,
  2. Lily Lee, CUNY Brooklyn College,
  3. Mitsuka Attys, CUNY Brooklyn College,
  4. Prima Manandhar, CUNY Hunter College,

Last Updated on November 13, 2020 by HepFree NYC


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