NYC Hep C Toolkit
This NYC Hep C Toolkit page provides tools and resources for staff providing or managing hepatitis C (Hep C) navigation and care coordination services. These materials were identified or developed through the work of the NYC Check Hep C Patient Navigation Program and Hep C Peer Navigation Program. You can visit our site locator page, if you need help making a referral for hepatitis testing and care.
In order to serve the needs of patients through the pandemic, please see this list of Coronavirus and Hepatitis Community Resources.
NASTAD Hep C Community Navigation Model and Toolkit
The NASTAD Hep C Community Navigation Toolkit is available to any organization planning to start Hep C navigation services. The toolkit includes data collection tools and program protocols developed by the NYC Health Department. To request navigation program implementation support:
Commonly Used Hep C Navigation Tools
Please view a complete list of Hep C navigation resources in the Navigator Tools section below, including NYC Health Department materials that can be used for outreach and inreach (order free materials here).
Tools and Training for Hep C Navigation, Programs and Clinicians
See Hepatitis Training Guide for more clinical and non-clinical training opportunities and full descriptions.
All trainings are offered online (all in-person trainings are cancelled due to COVID-19).
Core Training List for Patient Navigation
- Program Start-Up Training for contracted organizations (NYC Health Department)
- Intro to Viral Hep (NYC Health Department TTAP)
- Hepatitis C Basics (Archived Webinar – Harm Reduction Coalition)
- ABC’s of Hepatitis (NYS AIDS Institute)
- Harm Reduction Approach (NYS AIDS Institute)
- Hep C Patient Navigation (NYC Health Department TTAP or Harm Reduction Coalition)
- Motivational Interviewing – (NYC Health Department TTAP or NYS AIDS Institute)
- Overdose Prevention and Hepatitis Navigation (NYC Health Department TTAP)
- Trauma Informed Care (NYS AIDS Institute)
Core Training List for Peer Navigation
- Program Start-Up Training for contracted organizations (NYC Health Department and Harm Reduction Coalition)
- Intro to Viral Hep (NYC Health Department TTAP)
- Hepatitis C Basics (Archived Webinar – Harm Reduction Coalition)
- ABC’s of Hepatitis (NYS AIDS Institute)
- Hep C Basics for Peer Workers (NYS AIDS Institute or Archived Webinar – Harm Reduction Coalition)
- Patient Navigation for Hep C Navigators 101 & 201 (Harm Reduction Coalition)
- Hepatitis C Medical Care and Treatment Update for Peer Workers (Three-part series NYS AIDS Institute) or
- Talking with Clients about Hepatitis C Treatment (NYS AIDS Institute)
- Harm Reduction Approach (NYS AIDS Institute)
- Motivational Interviewing (NYC Health Department TTAP)
- Overdose Prevention and Hepatitis Navigation (NYC Health Department TTAP)
- Trauma Informed Care (NYS AIDS Institute)
Most core trainings listed above provide credits for the NYS Peer Worker Certification Program. See important information related to certification delays due to COVID-19.
Recommended Training for Navigators (depending on Navigator role at organization):
- Hep C Prior Authorization (Archived Webinar – HepCure)
- Medical Interpretation Certification (National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters)
- Mental Health First Aid
- Talking with Clients about Hepatitis C Treatment (Archived Webinar – Harm Reduction Coalition)
- Hep C Rapid Testing (NYC Health Department TTAP)
Clinical Training
- Buprenorphine waiver training (NYC Health Department)
- Hep C Clinical Care and Treatment Series (Empire Liver Foundation)
- HIV/Hep C Co-infection National Curriculum (AIDS Education & Training Center)
Includes topics on prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment recommendations as well as barriers and other co-factors that may impede optimal treatment outcomes for co-infected people of color - Medical Interpretation Certification (National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters)
Patient Navigator Workflow – DOHMH
Visual service map to identify people living with Hep C and navigate them through care and treatment
Project Implementation Reporting Tool – DOHMH
Provides a template for assessing progress of quality improvement projects and running EHR queries
Hepatitis C Cure Day Toolkit – New York State Department of Health
Guide to plan events to celebrate patients cured of Hep C.
NY Hepatitis Data
Viral hepatitis surveillance data to help with reports, grant applications, advocacy and more!
Trauma-Informed Approaches Toolkit – Tools and Assessments – NASTAD
Downloadable tools and assessments created by NASTAD geared towards RWHAP Parts, HIV prevention programs, and other related community and clinical programs and organizations.
Electronic Health Record Query Tool to assess hepatitis C screening and treatment rates at organization
New York State Hepatitis Telehealth Resources
This page offers guidance and resources for implementing telemedicine and providing hepatitis care through this approach, and how to join the NYS Telehealth Workgroup.
Patient Assessments
- DAST-10 drug use assessment
- AUDIT-C or CAGE-4 alcohol use assessment
- Alcohol Screening and Counseling for Patients with Hepatitis Booklet (English · Español)
- Psychosocial Readiness Evaluation to Prepare for Hep C Treatment (PREP-C)
- PRAPARE Assessment Tool or the Accountable Health Communities Screening Tool (national health center tool to assess and address social determinants of health)
Navigator Guides
- Hep C Patient Navigation Health Promotion Guide
Key messaging and questions to guide patient conversations during assessment, treatment readiness and adherence, and post-treatment care - Keeping in Contact to Support Hep C Treatment
Suggestions from experienced navigators on how to stay in touch with hepatitis patients and prevent loss-to-follow-up - Hepatitis C: What to Expect When Getting Tested– CDC
Basic information on what to expect when being tested - Recommendations for Hepatitis C Screening and Treatment in People Who Use Drugs
- Hep C Screening and Treatment Recommendations in People Living with HIV/AIDS – AIDS Education & Training Center
Patient Engagement
Most patient engagement tools listed below can be ordered for free from the NYC Health Department by using this Viral Hep Educational Materials Listing Order Form
Outreach and Testing
- Hepatitis C: Get Checked, Get Cured Palm Card (English · Español · Русский) – NYC Health Department
- Hep C and Your Liver Booklet (English · العربية · Русский · Español · اردو) – NYC Health Department
- Hepatitis C and Women (English · Español) – NYS Department of Health
- Appointment & Patient Rights Palm Card (English · Español) – NYC Health Department
- Hep C Care Roadmap (English · Español) – NYC Health Department
- Hepatitis C More Than Liver Disease Factsheets– National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable
Educational materials on health conditions linked to hepatitis C as a causing factor or making the condition worse, such as, skin rash, kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease, and depression. - Interpretation of Hepatitis C Virus Testing Results – Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Hepatitis C 101 in 60 seconds video – CDC
- Patient Testimonial on being co-infected with HIV and Hep C video – Living Positive Victoria
Health Coaching around Substance Use
- Alcohol and Hepatitis Palm Card (English · Español) – NYC Health Department
- Reduce Your Risk of Overdose, Hep C & HIV Z-Fold Palm Card (English · Español · Русский) – NYC Health Department
- Safety Tips for People Who Use or Inject Drugs Booklet (English · Español · Русский) – NYC Health Department
Linkage to Cure
- Hep C Care Plan Form – NYC Health Department
- Hep C Treatment Planning Form – NYC Health Department
- Hep C Medication Factsheets – Treatment Action Group
- Passport to Cure (HIV and Hep C co-infected) – AIDS Education & Training Center
- HIV and Hepatitis C Coinfection – HCV Advocate
Basic guide on HIV and Hep C coinfection highlighting treatment options along with recommendations on how to remain healthy and other helpful resources - Hep C Free Postcard – AIDS Education & Training Center
- Certificate of Cure (English · Español) – New York State Department of Health
To learn more about Hep C click here.
Hep C Guidelines and Patient Resources
Testing Recommendations for Hep C Virus – Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
All adults 18 years or older should be tested for Hep C at least once in their lifetime, and all pregnant persons should be tested during each pregnancy (published 2020)
Hepatitis C: Information on Testing & diagnosis – CDC
Basic testing and diagnosis information on Hep C
Recommended Testing Sequence for Identifying Hepatitis C Infection – CDC
A visual representation of the recommended Hep C testing sequence
Interpretation of Hepatitis C Virus Test Results – CDC
Clear interpretations of Hep C test outcomes and guidance necessary action
Recommendations for Hepatitis C Screening and Treatment in People Who Use Drugs – Hep Free NYC
HIV and Hep C Coinfection
- The Basics of Living with Two Infections HIV & HCV –Project Inform
Overview of both HIV and Hep C and what to expect when living with both infections including suggested support resources - HIV and Viral Hepatitis – CDC
General overview of Viral Hepatitis and HIV along with United States statistics related to coinfection - HIV and Hepatitis C – US Department of Veterans Affairs
General overview of Hep C and HIV along with tips on what to do if you are infected - Hep C Screening and Treatment Recommendations in People Living with HIV/AIDS – AIDS Education & Training Center
- Dear Colleague: Hepatitis C Screening in People Living with HIV/AIDS, February 2019 – NYC Health Department
This Health Department’s Dear Colleague Letter, urges clinical providers to screen all PLWH for Hep C and to proactively treat all coinfected patients, including people who use drugs and alcohol. All people living with Hep C can be cured with adequate support. - Training Manual for Treatment Activists: Hepatitis C and HIV Coinfection – Treatment Action Group
This manual can be used to train advocates on Hep C prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment, and needs to increase access to these services.
To learn more about HIV and Hep C co-infection, click here.
Hep C Medical Care and Treatment Guidelines – American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
- Identification and Management of Hep C in People Who Inject Drugs
- Treatment Guidance for Hep C in People Living with HIV/AIDS
Hepatitis C and People Who Inject Drugs – Project Inform
This resource list for medical providers includes access to up-to-date information on care, treatment, harm reduction and substance use recommendations for PWID and are living with Hep C.
Hep C Drug Guides – Positively Aware
List of medications to treat Hep C with specifications and market price.
Hepatitis Drug Interactions – Liverpool
Search tool to identify interactions between Hep C medications and other drugs.
Vaccinate against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B in People Who Inject Drugs – Centers for Disease Control
Resources and guidelines for healthcare providers and people who inject drugs on viral hepatitis, and getting vaccinated for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B.
Referral List of NYC Syringe Exchange Programs (SEP)
List of SEPs registered with the NYC Health Department’s Bureau of Alcohol & Drug Use, Prevention Care and Treatment
Strategy to Fight the Opioid Crisis – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Also see list of Coronavirus and Hepatitis Community Resources that may address patient needs.
Food, Phone and Transportation
- Food access during COVID
- Access-a-ride
- Transportation through Medical Answering Services
- NYS DOH Medicaid Transportation Program with LogistiCare Solutions, LLC (877) 564–5911 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) See list of covered services
- Assurance Wireless free cell phone for low-income people who meet criteria
- Google Voice can be an option for voice and text patient communication.
Harm Reduction, Substance Use and Mental Health
- Find syringe exchange programs using this map from Nasen
- Find Naloxone using this map from Harm Reduction Coalition
- Opioid Overdose Prevention Basics and Stimulant Overamping Prevention Basics from Harm Reduction Coalition
- Never Use Alone New York State hotline: (800)-997-2280 and National hotline (800) 484-3731. Has operators 24/7 on standby while people use until people feel safe.
- 1-800-LIFENET: free, confidential, multi-lingual, mental health and substance abuse information, referral, and crisis prevention hotline
- NYC Well is a free and confidential service with counselors available through text messaging, phone, or online chat. Text “WELL” to 65173 or call 1-888-NYC-WELL
- Narcotics Anonymous Locator
- Alcoholics Anonymous Locator
- Thrive NYC has resources on anxiety, depression, mental health first aid, psychosis, substance use, and trauma.
Health Care Access Needs
- Health Care Access & Meds assistance with medication coverage, including resources for the uninsured and underinsured
Housing Assistance
- HUD Exchange directory to locate homelessness assistance and resources
- National Domestic Violence Hotline, trained advocates talk confidentially with callers experiencing domestic violence or seeking resources and information about unhealthy aspects of their relationship. Phone: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233); deaf or hard-of-hearing: 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).
- BronxWorks: Benefits enrollment, NYC ID, 24 hr Drop-in center and case managements for people actively living on the street. Contact: (718) 893-36068, 800 Barretto St, Bronx, NY 10453
- HomeBase: Eviction prevention and acquiring housing vouchers (locations citywide)
- Fortune Society Benefit Access Program: Connecting formerly incarcerated individuals to benefits including Medicaid and identification. Contact: Nicholas Posada, Supervisor of Benefit Access Program (212) 691-7554 x3678, Direct phone: 347-510-3678. Walk-In hours Monday-Thursday (8am-6pm), 2976 Southern Blvd Bronx, NY 10458.
- Coalition for the Homeless: Helps people experiencing homeless or unstable housing situations and families access a shelter or other services, Crisis Intervention emergency hotline 1(888)-358-2384 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
- The Bridge Fund: Prevents homelessness for vulnerable, working poor individuals and families and provides eviction prevention services. Contact: 212-257-8433 (Tuesday – Thursday).
- Catholic Charities (Manhattan/Bronx): Eviction prevention, food assistance, and immigrant and refugee services. Help Line for other resources 888-744-7900 (8am-5:30pm)
- CAMBA(Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Queens): Gathering Place Drop-In Center offers 24 hr drop-in services for single homeless adults, assistance with shelters, social services, and housing placement assistance. Contact: (718) 408-5766 x66200
Corrections/Justice System
- New York Public Library Connections 2024 (Spanish translation available for the NYPL Connections 2024 guide)
Resource guide for formerly incarcerated people in NYC - Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Re-entry Services
- New York State Transition Guide (2015)
Resource guide for people released from NYS prison or jail - NYC Health Department and Rikers Hep C linkage to care For referrals contact: Alexis Brenes