NY Hep C Telemedicine Workgroup – Meeting Notes

Thursday September 16 (10 – 11 AM) via Webinar

In attendance at this meeting: See below notes 

Workgroup Chair: Andrew Talal, MD, University at Buffalo, ahtalal@buffalo.edu

Workgroup goals: Short term: Identify, assess, document and disseminate current strategies and opportunities to provide hepatitis C treatment in substance use treatment facilities, via telemedicine. Long-term: Develop a NYS Telehealth network to provide a forum for ongoing learning and sharing of best practices to promote hepatitis B and C care and treatment through telehealth.

Meeting Notes

Implementing Hep C Treatment and Telehealth at REACH
Justine Waldman, MD –  jwaldman@reachmed.org

  • Rapid implementation of telehealth in March 2020
  • Important to select a platform that does not require an app for ease of use to patients
  • HCV and HIV testing are offered at intake and all visits as appropriate but some decline, postpone or have fear of stigma
  • Challenges include assisting those affected by criminal justice system, payment models and stigma around buprenorphine
  • See presentation here.

Proposed changes to telehealth benefits for CMS,
Frank Winter – frank.winter@cms.hhs.gov 

  • CMS expects waivers to remain for the duration of the public health emergency or until December 31, 2021
  • Waivers include expanded coverage of telehealth technologies
  • Submit comments on the Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule here.
  • See presentation here.



  1. Andrew Talal, MD, SUNY Research Foundation, ahtalal@buffalo.edu
  2. Jeff Weiss, REACH, jeffrey.weiss@mountsinai.org
  3. Frank Winter, CMS, frank.winter@cms.hhs.gov
  4. Pat Lincourt , NYS OASAS, pat.lincourt@oasas.ny.gov
  5. Colleen Flanigan, RN, NYS DOH, colleen.flanigan@health.ny.gov
  6. Nadine Kela-Murphy, MPH, NYC DOHMH, nkelamurphy@health.nyc.gov
  7. Nirah Johnson, LCSW, NYC DOHMH, njohnso2@health.nyc.gov
  8. Meg Chappell, MPH, Empire Liver Foundation, megchapell@empireliverfoundation.org
  9. Darlene Meyer, SUNY, dkmeyer@buffalo.edu
  10. Marie Bresnahan, MPH, NYC DOHMH, mbresnahan@health.nyc.gov
  11. Daanish Shaikh, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, dshaikh@startny.org
  12. Alvin Chu, MA, MPH, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, achu@startny.org
  13. Rebecca LaMarca, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, rlamarca@startny.org
  14. Anthony McLeod, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, amcleod@startny.org
  15. Kathleen Davis, University of Rochester Medical Center, Kathleen_davis@urmc.rochester.edu
  16. Dan Shappee, AbbVie, Daniel.shappee@abbvie.com
  17. Pruthvi Patel, Mount Sinai, pruthvi.patel@mountsinai.org
  18. Deborah Brown, Deborah.brown@health.nyc.gov
  19. Stephanie McHugh, stephanie.mchugh@health.nyc.gov
  20. Andrew Reynolds, areynoldshcv@gmail.com
  21. Justine Waldman, REACH, jwaldman@reachmed.org
  22. Arslan Mohamed, amohamed1@health.nyc.gov
  23. Debra Farron, Gilead Science, debra.farron@gilead.com
  24. Marc Badura, SUNY, mbadura@buffalo.edu
  25. Katy Cook, AHI, kcook@ahihealth.org
  26. Joyce Gholson, START, jgholson@startny.org

Last Updated on November 13, 2020 by HepFree NYC


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