Hep Free NYC Webinar E-Meeting Highlights | 10-07-2020

A Joint Hep B Coalition & Hep C Task Force Meeting

October 7th, 2020 (3 – 5 PM)
AttendanceSee below


Integrated Hep C and MAT/MOUD Tele-medicine Services at Mount Sinai REACH Program
Katherine Dunham, Clinical Research Coordinator / Patient Navigator, Mount Sinai REACH Program katherine.dunham@mountsinai.org

  • View presentation here.

COVID and the Liver: What We Learned So Far
David Bernstein, MD, Hepatology Chief, Sandra Atlas Bass Center for Liver Diseases – dav31475@gmail.com

  • View presentation here.

Policy and Advocacy Updates

Reed Vreeland, Director of NYC Community Mobilization, Housing Works – r.vreeland@housingworks.org

Action Alert

  • Providers must report all suspected acute cases of hepatitis B and C. There is no laboratory test that distinguishes acute from chronic hepatitis C. The NYC Department of Health relies on providers to report new cases of suspected acute Hep C. Providers do not need to report chronic Hep B and C.

Hep Free NYC Committees

Communications Committee

Coalition against Hepatitis in People of African Origin – NYC
Farma Pene, NYC Health Dept – fpene@health.nyc.gov

  • CHIPO-NYC to receive the 2020 Hep B United Community Champion Awards

South Asian Hepatitis Initiative
Adeeba Khan, MPH, NYC Health Dept – akhan8@health.nyc.gov

NY Hepatitis Telehealth Workgroup

Research Committee

  • Established this year to bring people who identify and focus on Hep B and C research in NYC at all levels (clinical research, academic research, community-based research, etc.)

>> See our Events Calendar

In Attendance:

  1. Abigail    Hunter    Nurse Practitioner    Vocal-NY    abbynhunter@gmail.com
  2. Adam    Sammons    Outreach Health Educator    Bedford-Stuyvesant Family Health Center asammons@bsfhc.org
  3. Adeeba    Khan    MPH    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    akhan8@health.nyc.gov
  4. Aiesha    Hibbert    Public Health Associate VHP Program    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene ahibbert1@health.nyc.gov
  5. Alexis    Brenes    Community Program Coordinator    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene abrenes@health.nyc.gov
  6. Annette    Gaudino    HCV Project Co-Director    Treatment Action Group    annette.gaudino@treatmentactiongroup.org
  7. Brandy    Staley        ACARIAHEALTH PHARMACY #12, INC.    brandy.staley@acariahealth.com
  8. Charlotte    Quincoses        MONTEFIORE MEDICAL CENTER    cquincoses@gmail.com
  9. Cheryl    Santoro    Linkage to care specialist    Hudson River HealthCare    csantoro@hrhcare.org
  10. Clotilde    Monguya        Viral Hepatitis Community Partner    monguyamd@gmail.com
  11. Daniela    Sanclemente    Patient Navigator (VHP)    NYC Health + Hospitals – Elmhurst Hospital Center    sanclemd@nychhc.org
  12. Danielle    Stillman        Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness    danielle.stillman@saatchiwellness.com
  13. Daria    Boccher-Lattimore        AIDS Education & Training Center Program    dmb82@cumc.columbia.edu
  14. David    Bernstein    Chief of Gastroenterology    LONG ISLAND JEWISH MEDICAL CENTER    d.e.bernstein@verizon.net
  15. Denise    Davis    Peer Navigator    New York Harm Reduction Educators    ddavis@nyhre.org
  16. Denise    Mcfarlan        The Osborne Association    dmcfarlan@osborneny.org
  17. Diana    Diaz Munoz    Hep C Program Manager    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    ddiazmunoz@health.nyc.gov
  18. Dipan    Ray    Director of Practice Experience    Touro College of Pharmacy    dipan.ray@touro.edu
  19. Emeka    Iloeghu    Consultant Trainer    The Hepatitis C Mentor and Support Group, Inc.    arinze777@gmail.com
  20. Farah    Riazi    Patient Navigator    Mount Sinai Health System    farah.riazi@mountsinai.org
  21. Farma    Pene    Health Care Access Specialist    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    fpene@health.nyc.gov
  22. Frank    Winter    External Affairs    Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services    frank.winter@cms.hhs.gov
  23. Gail    Brown    Policy Director    COPE    gbrown.cope@gmail.com
  24. Geraldine    Joseph        William F. Ryan Center    geraldine.joseph@ryancenter.org
  25. Gina    D’Aiello    HCV Clinical Liason    MEDLY Pharmacy    ginadaiello6@gmail.com
  26. Halimatou    Konte    Program Manager    African Services Committee    halimatouk@africanservices.org
  27. Henry    Chang        World Hepatitis Alliance    henry.amsterdam@gmail.com
  28. Jane    Wong    Hepatitis B Project Coordinator    Charles B Wang Community Health Center    janwong@cbwchc.org
  29. Janet    Escalante    Regional Director Business Development    Paramount Specialty Pharmacy    janete@paramountsprx.com
  30. Jeff    Weiss    Program Director    Respectful & Equitable Access to Comprehensive Healthcare (REACH) Program at Mount Sinai Hospital    jeffrey.weiss@mountsinai.org
  31. Jiehui (Joy)    Zhu    Patient Navigator    Charles B Wang Community Health Center    jizhu@cbwchc.org
  32. Joseph    Zaheer    Health Educator    Mount Sinai Beth Israel    joseph.zaheer@mountsinai.org
  33. Joy    Cambe    Program Coordinator    Empire Liver Foundation    joycambe@empireliverfoundation.org
  34. Justin    Chan    Infectious Disease Physician, Clinician Educator    NYC Health + Hospitals/Correctional Health Services    chanj15@nychhc.org
  35. Katherine    Koh        Korean Community Services    kkoh@kcsny.org
  36. Katherine    Dunham        Mount Sinai Health System    katherine.dunham@mountsinai.org
  37. Kim    Leslie-Underwood        MONTEFIORE MEDICAL CENTER    kleslie@montefiore.org
  38. Lilas    Kodjo    Communications Intern    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    lkodjo@health.nyc.gov
  39. Lisa    Convery-López    VP – Contract Management    Community Health Action of Staten Island (CHASI)    lisa.convery_lopez@chasiny.org
  40. Luisa    Martelo    Patient Navigator (VHP)    NYC Health + Hospitals – Bellevue Hospital Center    luisa.martelo@nychhc.org
  41. Maria    Cruz        CAMBA    mariac@camba.org
  42. Maria Mercedes    Guzman    Program Director, HCV Program    MONTEFIORE MEDICAL CENTER    mariguzm@montefiore.org
  43. Marie    Bresnahan    Director, Training, Policy and Administration, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    mbresnahan@health.nyc.gov
  44. Mary    Chiang    Patient Navigator    Charles B Wang Community Health Center    mchiang@cbwchc.org
  45. Medesa    Garrett        Hudson River HealthCare    mgarrett@sunriver.org
  46. Meg    Chappell    Program Manager    Empire Liver Foundation    megchappell@empireliverfoundation.org
  47. Melba    Mejia        BOOM!Health    mmejia@boomhealth.org
  48. Molly    Mihalcik        Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness    mollymihalcik@gmail.com
  49. Monaliza    Velazquez        Family Services Network of New York    mvelazquez@fsnny.org
  50. Nirah    Johnson    Capacity Building Director    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    njohnso2@health.nyc.gov
  51. Okhyun    Ko    Patient Navigator    Korean Community Services    oko@kcsny.org
  52. Onycha    Banton        NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    obanton@health.nyc.gov
  53. Paul    Lee    Project Coordinator    Korean Community Services    plee@kcsny.org
  54. Paula    Medina-Blanco        Respectful & Equitable Access to Comprehensive Healthcare (REACH) Program at Mount Sinai Hospital    paula.medina-blanco@mountsinai.org
  55. Rahel    Yosief    Patient Navigator (CHC)    BOOM!Health    ryosief@boomhealth.org
  56. Reed    Vreeland    Director of NYC Community Mobilization    Housing Works    r.vreeland@housingworks.org
  57. Sarah    Ahmed    Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    sahmed10@health.nyc.gov
  58. Shaili    Gandhi    Hepatitis Program Assistant    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    sgandhi1@health.nyc.gov
  59. Shanaz    Hosein    Program Manager, HITE    Greater New York Hospital Association    shosein@gnyha.org
  60. Shanda    Kearse    Testing Services Coordinator    Community Health Action of Staten Island (CHASI)    shanda.kearse@chasiny.org
  61. Shannon    Mason    Assistant Director Bureau of Hepatitis Health Care    NYSDOH AIDS Institute    shannon.mason@health.ny.gov
  62. Susan    Spratt Wachsler        New York Harm Reduction Educators    sspratt@nyhre.org
  63. Taylor    Reilly        Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness    taylor.reilly@saatchiwellness.com
  64. Umaima    Khatun    Program Manager    NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene    ukhatun@health.nyc.gov
  65. Vianney    Aguilar    Patient Navigator    Community Health Action of Staten Island (CHASI)    vianney.aguilar@chasiny.org
  66. Violet    Armstead        Viral Hepatitis Community Partner    armviolet@gmail.com
  67. Warren    Hall        American Liver Foundation    whall@liverfoundation.org
  68. Wilma    Toribio        Respectful & Equitable Access to Comprehensive Healthcare (REACH) Program at Mount Sinai Hospital    wilma.toribio@mountsinai.org
  69. Yacaris    DeJesus    Patient Navigator (VHP)    NYC Health + Hospitals – Bellevue Hospital Center    yacaris.dejesus@nychhc.org
  70. Y-Uyen Le    Nguyen    Hep B Medical Director    Charles B Wang Community Health Center    ynguyen@cbwchc.org

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by HepFree NYC

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