Hep Free NYC Meeting Highlights | 03-29-2023

A Joint Hep B Coalition & Hep C Task Force Meeting

March 29, 2023 (3 – 5 PM)

AttendanceSee below


Hep B and Hep C Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Testing Technology
Charles Sailey, Chief Scientific Officer, Medical Director of Laboratories, Molecular Testing Labs – csailey@moleculartestinglabs.com
Chip House, Director of Business Development – Public Health, Molecular Testing Labs – chouse@moleculartestinglabs.com

  • View presentation here.
  • Contact Molecular Testing Lab for a sample DBS kit. Multiple tests can be performed on the same collection card. View their at home self collect testing instruction videos here. Note:
    • Hep B surface antigen – NY Approved
    • Hep C antibody – NY Approved
    • Hep B core antibody and Hep C RNA Viral Load – Not Yet Approved in NY
  • The Molecular Testing Lab DBS kit shelf life is 2-3 years based on expiration date. It takes about 3 business days to provide lab results.
  • Learn about the NYS Health Department DBS testing for HCV RNA. Click here or email martha.gohlke@health.ny.gov.

Viral Hepatitis Elimination Plan: Outline of Next Steps
Lina Cherfas, Consultant, A Good Question – lina@agoodquestion.net

  • View presentation here.
  • Prioritizing 14 strategies for implementation in 2023: mix of surveillance, testing and linkage to care, awareness and education, and policy strategies.
  • So what areas are partners tackling, need more planning and what actions need to be done achieve successful implementation? View Hep B contributions here and Hep C contributions here.

Policy and Advocacy Updates
Paul Lee, Sr. Grants/Advocacy Officer HQ, Korean Community Services – plee@kcsny.org


  1. Abad Sanchez, Community Healthcare Network, asparra@chnnyc.org
  2. Adebola Hassan, Senior Public Service Administrator, Illinois Department of Public Health, adebola.hassan@illinois.gov
  3. Adeeba Khan, Hepatitis Navigation Project Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, akhan8@health.nyc.gov
  4. Alejandra Poma, Program Manager, BMS Family Health and Wellness Centers, apoma@bmsfhc.org
  5. Alexis Brenes, Community Project Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, abrenes@health.nyc.gov
  6. Alexis Fields, Assistant Director, Systems Change for Outreach, Prevention, and Engagement (SCOPE), SUNY Downstate Medical Center, alexis.fields@downstate.edu
  7. Alma Chaves, Community Engagement Projects Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, achaves@health.nyc.gov
  8. Alvin Chu, Associate Director of Data Management Services, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, achu@startny.org
  9. Amaka Onianwa, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, amaka@linktocarenp.com
  10. Ana Ventuneac, VP Research and Evaluation, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, aventuneac@startny.org
  11. Anamaria McConley, Molecular HIV and Hepatitis B and C Epi., Florida Department of Health, anamaria.mcconley@flhealth.gov
  12. Anthony McLeod, Research Associate, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, amcleod@startny.org
  13. Aura Blanco-Buitrago, Care Coordinator, Mount Sinai Health System, aura.blanco-buitrago@mssm.edu
  14. Beatrice Zovich, Hep B Foundation, beatrice.zovich@hepb.org
  15. Brian Hennessey, Managing Director for Biomedical Prevention and Navigation Services, Housing Works, b.hennessey@housingworks.org
  16. Caprice Wilks, Patient Navigator, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, cwilks@startny.org
  17. Carolina Maria Bolanos, Peer Navigator, Vocal-NY, caro@vocal-ny.org
  18. Caroline Mohr, Hepatitis C Surveillance Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Health Services Division of Public Health, caroline.mohr@dhs.wisconsin.gov
  19. Caroline Romano, Mount Sinai Health System, caroline.romano@mssm.edu
  20. Cassandra Lamadieu, Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, cassandra.lamadieu@phila.gov
  21. Charles Sailey, Chief Scientific Officer & Medical Director of Laboratories, Molecular Testing Lab, csailey@moleculartestinglabs.com
  22. Chelsea Pickett, Program Evaluator/Analyst, Harlem United, cpickett@harlemunited.org
  23. Chip House, Director of Business Development – Public Health, Molecular Testing Lab, chouse@moleculartestinglabs.com
  24. Christina Hwang, Surveillance Analyst, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, chwang@health.nyc.gov
  25. Cynthia Ortigoza, Surveillance Analyst, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, cortigoza@health.nyc.gov
  26. Dan Knitzer, Assistant Director of Communications, The Alliance for Positive Change, dan@alliance.nyc
  27. David Cushman, Gilead Science, david.cushman@gilead.com
  28. David Kalinoski, Hep C Care Coordinator, Vocal-NY, david@vocal-ny.org
  29. Dawn Schuk, NYC Department of Social Services, schukd@dss.nyc.gov
  30. Debra Farron, Senior Therapeutic Specialist, Gilead Science, debra.farron@gilead.com
  31. Debra Graner, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner, mozjo3@gmail.com
  32. Debra Stewart, HIV/HCV Navigator, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, dstewart@kingsbrook.org
  33. Denesse Kleiman, Data Manager, NYC Health + Hospitals – Bellevue Hospital Center, denesse.kleiman@nychhc.org
  34. Denise Williams, Case Manager, Sun River Health, dwilliams@sunriver.org
  35. Derett Jepson, District Sales Manager, HCV NY, AbbVie, derett.jepson@abbvie.com
  36. Diana Diaz Munoz, Program Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ddiazmunoz@health.nyc.gov
  37. Elena Rotov, Patient Navigator, After Hours Project, erotov@afterhoursproject.org
  38. Farma Pene, Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, fpene@health.nyc.gov
  39. Fatima Omarufilo, Patient Navigator, Montefiore Medical Center, alabaran@montefiore.org
  40. Fernando Valerio, Patient Navigator, Community Healthcare Network, fvalerio@chnnyc.org
  41. Frank Winter, External Affairs, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, frank.winter@cms.hhs.gov
  42. Gil Cerpa, Patient Navigator, Praxis Housing Initiatives, gacerpa@praxishousing.org
  43. Gloria Glenn, Program Assistant, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, gglenn@health.nyc.gov
  44. Haley Widom, Urban Health Policy Fellow, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, haley.widom@phila.gov
  45. Halimatou Konte, Health Program Director, African Services Committee, halimatouk@africanservices.org
  46. Heather Anderson, Assoc. Dir./FOCUS Regional Lead, Gilead Science, heather.anderson2@gilead.com
  47. Holly Anger, Senior Surveillance and Research Scientist, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, hanger@health.nyc.gov
  48. Ibrahima Sankare, Testing Assistant and Outreach, African Services Committee, ibrahimas@africanservices.org
  49. Jackilyn Rivera, Hepatitis Program Assistant, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, jrivera20@health.nyc.gov
  50. Jennifer Cao, Case Management Intern, APICHA Community Health Center, jcao@apicha.org
  51. Jiehui (Joy) Zhu, Patient Navigator, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, jizhu@cbwchc.org
  52. Jie-Lei Jenny Wong, Health Educator/ Patient Navigator, Seventh Avenue Family Health Center at NYU Langone, jielei.wong@nyulangone.org
  53. Joelle Bodeta, Hepatitis Patient Navigator, NYC Health + Hospitals – Elmhurst Hospital Center, bodetaj@nychhc.org
  54. Jonathan Rodriguez, Hispanic Federation, jrodriguez@hispanicfederation.org
  55. Joy Pak, Project Renewal, Inc., joy.pak@projectrenewal.org
  56. Jules Levin, Executive Director, National Association on Drug Abuse Problems (New York State), Inc., jules@natap.org
  57. Julie Yoshimachi, Hep B Medical Director, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, jyoshimachi@cbwchc.org
  58. Karina Escamilla, Manager at Latino Religious Leadership Program, Latino Commission on AIDS, kescamilla@latinoaids.org
  59. Kelly Riordan, HEP C Case Manager, Sun River Health, kriordan@sunriver.org
  60. Kelsey Anderson, Hepatitis Field Investigator, Louisiana Department of Health, kelsey.anderson@la.gov
  61. Kevin Madera, Public Health Adviser II, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, kmadera@health.nyc.gov
  62. Kiara Lora, Director, HCV Treatment Network, Montefiore Medical Center, kialora@montefiore.org
  63. Kristina Larson, Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Epidemiologist, Louisiana Office of Public Health, kristina.larson@la.gov
  64. Lauren Meyers, MSL, Syneos Health, lauren.meyers@sh.vbivaccines.com
  65. Laurie Williams, Gilead Science, laurie.williams@gilead.com
  66. Leandra Ureña, Hep C Community Navigation Program Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, lurea@health.nyc.gov
  67. Lela Sabashvili, NYC Health + Hospitals – HHC Central Office, sabashvl@nychhc.org
  68. Lina Cherfas, Evaluation Consultant, A Good Question, lina@agoodquestion.net
  69. Liz Tang, Outreach and Navigation Supervisor, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ltang@health.nyc.gov
  70. Luis Camacho, Hep C Harm Reduction Specialist, Positive Health Project, l.camacho@housingworks.org
  71. Margot Schwamb, Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program Coordinator, Washington State Department of Health, margot.schwamb@doh.wa.gov
  72. Marie Bresnahan, Project INSPIRE Program Director, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, mbresnahan@health.nyc.gov
  73. Martha Gohlke, Health Program Administrator, HCV Screening and Linkage to Care, NYS Department of Health – The AIDS Institute, martha.gohlke@health.ny.gov
  74. Mary Chiang, Patient Navigator, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, mchiang@cbwchc.org
  75. Matthew Dickmann, Business Development, ixLayer, matt@ixlayer.com
  76. Minhee Lee, Program Coordinator, Korean Community Services, mlee@kcsny.org
  77. Nadine Kela-Murphy, Clinical Practice Facilitation Program Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, nkelamurphy@health.nyc.gov
  78. Natasha Casanova, Patient Health Navigator, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, ncasanova@startny.org
  79. Nicole Wallace-Walters, Patient Health Navigator, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, nwallace-walters@startny.org
  80. Nilda Nieves-Serrano, Puerto Rico Department of Health, drnns02@ymail.com
  81. Okhyun Ko, Manager, Korean Community Services, oko@kcsny.org
  82. Patty Korbelik, RN, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, patty.korbelik@nebraska.gov
  83. Paul Lee, Project Coordinator / Grant Specialist, Korean Community Services, plee@kcsny.org
  84. Perla Romero, Patient Navigator, Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, perla@alliance.nyc
  85. Robert Desrouleaux, Programs Manager, The Hepatitis C Mentor and Support Group, Inc., rdesrouleaux@hepatitiscmsg.org
  86. Roxann Stubbs, AbbVie, roxann.stubbs@abbvie.com
  87. Ruby Simon, Administrative Specialist I, Cecil County Health Department, ruby.simon@maryland.gov
  88. Sarah Ahmed, Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, sahmed10@health.nyc.gov
  89. Shamar Smalls, Project Coordinator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ssmalls1@health.nyc.gov
  90. Shanaz Hosein, Program Manager, HITE, Greater New York Hospital Association, shosein@gnyha.org
  91. Sharon Williamson, PHN, START Treatment and Recovery Centers, swilliamson@startny.org
  92. Shashi Kapadia, Instructor in Medicine/ Infectious Diseases, NewYork-Presbyterian – Weill Cornell Medical Center, shk9078@med.cornell.edu
  93. Siobhan McKenny, Director of Quality Management Systems, Molecular Testing Lab, smckenny@moleculartestinglabs.com
  94. Stefan Beck, National Account Director, Gilead Science, stefan.beck2@gilead.com
  95. Susan Soliva, Epidemiologist, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, susan.soliva@mass.gov
  96. Theodore Reid, Senior Engagement Specialist, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, theodore.reid@ppgreaterny.org
  97. Umaima Khatun, Program Manager, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, ukhatun@health.nyc.gov
  98. Versalle Shelton, Clinical Practice Facilitator, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, vshelton@health.nyc.gov
  99. Vivien Llanes, Testing Coordinator, Community Action for Social Justice, vllanes@nysocialjustice.org
  100. Yanting (Kelly) Huang, Data Manager, Viral Hepatitis, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, yhuang5@health.nyc.gov
  101. Yisha Johnson, Patient Navigator, BMS Family Health and Wellness Centers, yjohnson@bmsfhc.org
  102. Zinah Salih, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, zinah.salih@dhw.idaho.gov

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by HepFree NYC

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