Hep B Coalition Meeting Highlights | 09-18-19
September 18 (3 PM – 5 PM) American Cancer Society, Manhattan
In Attendance: See Below
Korean Community Services (KCS) Hep B Toolkit: Targeted Outreach for Faith Leaders in the Korean Community and Beyond
Paul Lee, Project Coordinator/Grant Specialist, KCS – plee@kcsny.org
Hep B Moms Project Outcomes
Liz Tang, LMSW, and Farma Pene, Healthcare Access Specialists, NYC Health Department – ltang@health.nyc.gov and fpene@health.nyc.gov
- View presentation here.
New NYC Hep B Prevalence Estimate
Ann Winters, MD, Viral Hepatitis Program Medical Director, NYC Health Department – awinters@health.nyc.gov
- The NYC Health Department estimates that 230,000 people are living with hepatitis B in NYC. View presentation here.
- Surveillance data on HBV in people born in the Caribbean can be found here (Annual Report page 41 and 42).
Policy and Advocacy
- View presentation here.
- Policy Update:
- NYC Council has introduced a new bill: Eliminating Viral Hepatitis in NYC (Int 1703-2019). The proposed legislation would require that the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene develop a plan to eliminate viral hepatitis in New York City by the year 2030.
- Viral Hepatitis Initiative Update, the advocacy leads for each program for FY 21 will be:
- Overall Lead: Reed Vreeland, Director of NYC Community Mobilization, Housing Works – r.vreeland@housingworks.org.
- Check Hep B: Paul Lee, Project Coordinator/Grant Specialist, Korean Community Services – plee@kcsny.org
- Empire Liver Foundation (ELF): Joy Cambe, Program Coordinator, ELF – joycambe@empireliverfoundation.org
Coalition Against Hepatitis in People of African Origin (CHIPO – NYC Chapter): Farma Pene, NYC Health Department – fpene@health.nyc.gov
- Contact us if you know of any events or organizations where we can hold a Hep B or C screening or education event that would target the African Community
Communications: Shanaz Hosein, American Liver Foundation – shosein@liverfoundation.org
- Twitter Chat #LiverChat19: Join HepFreeNYC, NASTAD, the Hepatitis B Foundation, and CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis for a Twitter Chat on October 23rd at 3 PM. Join us to discuss the link between liver cancer and viral hepatitis as well as the importance of engaging communities most affected, particularly patients, in our response. Visit this blog for more information.
In Attendance:
- Adeeba Khan Intern DOHMH Viral Hepatitis Program AKhan8@health.nyc.gov
- Ala Roh Project Coordinator KCS aroh@kcsny.org
- Angie Milan-Cruz HCV Navigator/Coordinator St Anns Corner of Harm Reduction amilan-cruz@sachr.org
- Ann Winters Medical Director, Viral Hepatitis DOHMH awinters@health.nyc.gov
- Annette Gaudino HCV Project Co-Director Treatment Action Group annette.gaudino@treatmentactiongroup.org
- Christina Boynes Community Health Worker Bronx Lebanon cboynes@bronxleb.org
- Christina Hwang Surveillance Analyst NYC DOHMH (VHP) chwang@health.nyc.gov
- Daniela Sanclemente Patient Navigator Elmhurst Hospital sanclemd@nychhc.org
- Dennis Robinson Specialty Pharmacy Account Executuve Acaria health William.robinson@acariahealth.com
- Farma Pene Health Care Access Specialist DOHMH fpene@health.nyc.gov
Fatima Omarufilo Navigator Montifiore omarufilofatima@gmail.com - Halimatou Konte Hepatitis Coordinator African Services Committee halimatouk@africanservices.org
- James Park MD, Transplant Hepatology NYU Asian Liver Health Program James.Park@nyumc.org
- Janice Lyu Hep B Program Associate Charles B Wang Community Health Center jlyu@cbwchc.org
- Jiehui (Joy) Zhu Flushing Hep B Care Manager CBW jizhu@cbwchc.org
- Jielei Li Viral Hepatitis Program Intern DOHMH jli10@health.nyc.gov
- Joy Cambe Program Coordinator Empire Liver Foundation joycambe@empireliverfoundation.org
- Joyce Gino Journalist Columbia Journalism School jg4194@columbia.edu
- Justin Chan Infectious Disease physician, Clinician Educator Correctional Health Services, NYC Health + Hospitals chanj15@nychhc.org
- Kathy (Xiaofang) Zhou center for Asian health xzhou@templm.edu
- Liz Tang Health Care Access Specialist DOHMH ltang@health.nyc.gov
- Lucy Kingangi CDC PHAP Intern DOHMH lkingangi@health.nyc.gov
- Mary Chiang Hep B Patient Navigator Charles B Wang Community Health Center mchiang@cbwchc.org
- Nadine Kela-Murphy Practice Transformation Specialist DOHMH nkelamurphy@health.nyc.gov
- Nirah Johnson Director of Program Implementation & Capacity Building DOHMH njohnso2@health.nyc.gov
- Nyasha Makoni Clinical Research Coordinator HONE/Mount Sinai Nyashadzashe.makoni@mountsinai.org
- Okhyun Ko Project Coordinator Korean Community Service oko@kcsny.org
- Paul Lee project coordinator kcs plee@kcsny.org
- Rod Rollock Pharmacy Representative Jewel Pharmacy rod@jewelpharmacy.com
- Sarah Ahmed Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator DOHMH sahmed10@health.nyc.gov
- Shanaz Hosein Hep C Prevention in Youth Intern American Liver Foundation shosein@liverfoundation.org
- Shifra Baum Physician Assistant Elmhurst Hospital shifrabaum@gmail.com
- Soonsik “Sara” Kim Hep B Patient Navigator Coordinator Korean Community Service Skim@kcsny.org
- Stephanie Michel Health Educator DOHMH BTBC smichel2@health.nyc.gov
- Teresa Mark, MPH Health Educator DOHMH BTBC tmark@health.nyc.gov
- Umaima Khatun Program Coordinator DOHMH ukhatun@health.nyc.gov
- Victoria Foster Program Manager NYU Center for Study Asian American Health Victoria.Foster@nyulangone.org
- Y-Uyen Nguyen Acting Hepatitis B Program Director Charles B Wang Community Health Center ynguyen@cbwchc.org