Open for Public Comment: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force – Draft Research Plans: Screening for Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Nonpregnant Adolescents and Adults. 
Open for comment until November 6, 2012.

The US Preventative Screening Task Force (USPSTF)  has begun the process for developing HBV screening recommendations. As you know, the USPSTF makes recommendations on clinical preventive services to primary care clinicians, including screening recommendations. HBV screening for adults was recently nominated for review. At the end of this process, the screening recommendations will be given a score (A, B, C or D) which will then guide clinical practice and reimbursement

For HBV screening in the future.

The first step of the USPSTF process is drafting a research plan, which they have now done. This research plan will guide the rest of the process, including the compilation of research on the topic. The research plan is now open for public comment (until November 6th). At this time, it is  important that HBV advocates and experts around the U.S. make comments on the research plan. The research conducted will be critical to the final recommendation, and our comments are very important – we want to optimize the chances of a “high” score!

Please think about working with your local and national partners to make comments on the research plan. Hep B United and NVHR will be helping to provide more information and templates for comments in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for more details.

I know that this has been an important topic for the Task Force members over the past year, and now is our chance to help make a difference!

You can review the draft Research Plan and submit comments at

In addition, you can see an online slide-set which offers an overview of the entire process – it is a very helpful presentation:

Last Updated on January 25, 2020 by HepFree NYC

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