Request for Proposals: Re-linkage to Care in the United States

Application Deadline: October 26, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST
Estimated Funding: 8 million for two years

The Center for Disease Analysis Foundation (CDAF) has received an eight-million-dollar grant from Gilead Sciences to run the Relink program over two years. The grant will be distributed to sub-grantees in multiple rounds over two years.

Relink Program Objectives

  • Provide grants to demonstrate the feasibility of finding diagnosed-but-untreated Hep C infected individuals and/or diagnosed but untreated/ not appropriately treated or lost to follow-up Hep B infected individuals and help them get linked to care in different
    settings and geographical regions.
  • Maximize the number of patients who are diagnosed but untreated to care for a given amount of spending (return on investment or ROI).
  • Use adaptive studies to conduct tranches of funding that will identify best practices that will maximize ROI.
  • Maximize the sustainability of the Relink program after funding has ended by demonstrating the simplicity and benefits of using  existing records to find diagnosed but untreated Hep C & Hep B patients.
  • Promote innovation through collaboration among all grantees.
  • Develop shared learning and process improvement to enhance patient linkage to care and retention.
  • Quantify the impact of the program.
  • Share key learnings through presentations of key findings at conferences.
  • Publish the combined results of the studies to motivate other healthcare systems in the US and other countries to implement similar programs.
  • Provide key learnings, best practices, and tools to other organizations (free of charge)to help them start their own Relink programs

Eligibility Criteria

The following type of organizations are eligible to apply for Relink grants:

  • Tax-exempt organizations serving the U.S. population.
  • Tax-exempt Healthcare institutions (hospitals, clinics, universities).
  • Non-profits working with patients.
  • Public Health agencies.

For profit organizations are not eligible but can partner with a tax-exempt organization. In addition, the grantees must agree to the following conditions:

  • Have a monthly update with CDAF Project Managers to review progress and timelines (30 minutes).
  • Willing to have a quarterly web-conference with the other grantees to share best practices (1 hour).
  • Willing to provide depersonalized data quarterly to allow CDAF to compare metrics across grantees (individuals contacted per navigator, individuals linked to care…) and aggregate data (from all grantees) to measure progress toward goals. The data generated by each grantee will be owned by the grantee. CDAF agrees not to release or publish any data from individual grantees without their permission and will hold all provided data as confidential (this will be outlined in the agreement).
  • Participate in a joint manuscript that reports aggregate data from all grantees with all participants as co-author. Each grantee is also encouraged (but not required) to publish their own data.
  • Submit an abstract summarizing the grantee’s key findings and present (poster or oral presentation) at a conference in the US. The cost of travel should be included as part of the proposal.

Submission Directions

  1. Fill out the application accompanying this RFP.
  2. Fill out the budget and timeline form accompanying this RFP.
  3. Send application, budget and timeline form, a copy of your organization’s W-9, and a copy of the team’s CV to
  4. The submission deadline is October 26, 2023 (23:59 Mountain Time).
  5. Any inquiries or questions (prior or post submission) should be sent to
  6. Failure to provide all the information requested in the application and budget form may result in the grant application being declined.
  7. Grant applications submitted in response to this Request for Proposal after the due date will be reviewed at the next grant cycle.
  8. All applicants will be notified of acceptance or decline by email on or before November 17, 2023.
  9. Grant applications not funded will be returned with feedback for improvements. They can be resubmitted in the next round.

View and Download Relink RFP here

View and Download Relink Grant Application here

Relink Budget & Timeline Form here

For questions or assistance, email

Last Updated on November 2, 2023 by HepFree NYC

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