Faith-based Initiative | Meeting Highlights – 6-21-16

Strategic Planning Meeting Highlights
June 21, 2016 (3-5pm)
Brooklyn Borough Hall

On June 21, 2016, members of the Hep Free NYC Faith-based Initiative met to launch the initiative and develop activities to raise awareness about Hepatitis in faith communities.

You can view the meeting highlights here and below.


Proposed Faith-based Initiatives to take place in 2016

  • Have faith leaders speak on Margarita’s radio show, specifically about the importance of faith-based work to raise awareness about Hepatitis.
  • Host free Hepatitis screening events at places of worship.
  • To increase outreach in Muslim communities, create Hepatitis information posters in Arabic.
  • Participate in health fairs.
  • Hold an interfaith event on World Hepatitis Day. On World Hepatitis Day, distribute a press release announcing the formation of a Hep Free NYC
  • Faith-based Initiative.
  • Create a Faith Hepatitis Awareness Day in the winter, with a major event to take place.

Other ideas for future events/campaigns

  • Invite people affected by Viral Hepatitis to speak before a congregation.
  • Organize an event to light a candle and have a moment of silence, prayer, or meditation for the healing of Viral Hepatitis and other chronic diseases.
  • Host a music/gospel concert in recognition of the impact of Viral Hepatitis in the community.
  • Host a legislative briefing by faith leaders to raise awareness and/or share personal stories about Viral Hepatitis.
  • Create bracelets that raise awareness about Hepatitis.

Next Steps

  • Hold a meeting a week before World Hepatitis Day. Please complete the doodle on the best time for you.
  • We need to recruit Faith Leaders to be part of the Faith-based working group. Please reach out to potential Faith Leaders. We especially need these Faith Leaders to participate in our Interfaith event on World Hepatitis Day.

In Attendance

Daniel Calder, NYC Health Department,
Daniel Leyva, Latino Commission on AIDS,
Geraldine Joseph, Mount Sinai and Ryan Network,
Maha Attieh, Arab-American Family Support Center,
Margarita Cabral, NYC Housing Authority,


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