Coalition against Hepatitis in People of African Origin (CHIPO)
NYC Chapter – Quarterly Meeting
Wednesday, January 19th
Next Meeting: April 20th at 3 PM
Meeting Highlights
- Partners’ updates and announcements
- Starfish Program at Montefiore Medical Center: Manuscript about the program published: Breaking down barriers for hepatitis B screening in the Bronx West African community through education in collaboration with faith-based organizations: A cohort study
- Utilizing fund to provide 2nd Hep B medical appointments and Hep B vaccines
- New! CHIPO-NYC Co-chair: Dr. Olorunseun Ogunwobi, Director, Hunter College Center for Cancer Health Disparities Research, Hunter College, Ogunwobi@GENECTR.HUNTER.CUNY.EDU
- CHIPO National Advisory nominee will serve to advance the goals and shape the direction of CHIPO as a whole, and to guide CHIPO’s activities as a new member of Hep B United: CHIPO-NYC will be participating and represented by Fatima Omarufilo
- Farma Pene is the CHIPO-NYC nominee for United We Rise planning committee. United We Rise is an intersectional effort that centers work on HIV, as well as Hepatitis and other health inequities impacting Black communities
Filtering Inequality: Screening and Knowledge in Senegal’s Topography of Hepatitis B Care
Dr. Noemi Tousignant, University College London,
- View presentation slides attachment here.
- No public or national level awareness campaign
- Looking at how resources (care and knowledge) are distributed
- Barriers: prenatal costs, lack of urgency to get treatment depending on age and sex
- Focusing on dietary management (reducing fatty food, reducing eating peanuts)
- Findings: access to treatment is not the goal since it not always possible, but rather changing the narrative and refuting the sigma.
- Not completely ignorant about Hep B and likely exposed to uneven and fragment information. Widespread experience with death due to liver cancer. destigmatize efforts needed
New! Hepatitis A, B and C in NYC 2020 Annual Report: HEPATITIS B Summary
Nadine Kela-Murphy, NYC Health Department,
- View presentation attachment here.
In attendance:
Beatrice Zovich, Hep B Foundation,
Christina Boynes, BronxCare Health System,
Farma Pene, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,
Fatima Omarufilo, Montefiore Medical Center,
Ibrahima Sankare, African Services committee,
Liz Tang, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,
Ming-Chin Yeh, CUNY Hunter Urban Health,
Mohamed Kande, Viral Hepatitis Community Partner,
Nadine Kela-Murphy, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,
Noemi Toussignant, University London,
Rokhaya Gueye, African Services Committee,
Safa Ibrahim, CUNY Hunter Urban Health,
Sarah Ahmed, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,
Seun Ogunwobi, Hunter College,
Shanaz Hosein, Greater New York Hospital Association,
Steven Stora, Community Health Action of Staten Island (CHASI),
Umaima Khatun, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,
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Last Updated on June 13, 2022 by HepFree NYC