NYC Hep B Coalition Meeting Highlights | 8-27-14

Presentation Slides

Hepatitis B Vaccine Birth Dose Coverage in NYC (PDF Slides)
Katelynn Devinney, MPH City Research Scientist, Bureau of Immunization – NYC DOHMH (


Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll (PDF Slides)
Hannah Sabbagh, MPH Candidate, Intern, Bureau of Communicable Disease – NYC DOHMH (


Amendment to Health Code 13.03 (b)(3) (PDF Slides)
Julie Lazaroff, MPH, Unit Chief Perinatal Hep B Prevention, Bureau of Immunization – NYC DOHMH (


American Liver Foundation: Help-line & online support Group (PDF Slides)
Yoshiaki Otake, Manager, Support Services, Greater New York Division (


Introduce Hep B Prevention Study (affiliated w/ religious organizations)
Dr. John Chin, Hunter College (

Physician Survey: click here to complete


Recap of NYC Hep B Awareness Week & World Hepatitis Day (PDF Slides)
Niki Bannister, Hep B Program Assoc, CBWCHC (



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